Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 953 Zheng Zhongwen and Tianhu are not ordinary people

Chapter 953 Zheng Zhongwen and Tianhu are not ordinary people
Chapter 964

Aunt Zhu's thoughts, how could Mrs. Hong not understand, she wanted to find a husband for her daughter, but never had a chance, now that she bought back five men at once, she naturally couldn't miss the opportunity.

Thinking of Aunt Zhu's status and prestige in the valley, she finally nodded her head: "You choose, the rest, send two to Yufengju, and send two to Sanjiaoju."

Aunt Zhu was overjoyed, and immediately kept the most handsome young man among the five, and sent the other four to Yufengju and Sanjiaoju according to Madam Hong's wishes.

The four youths who were sent to Yufengju and Sanjiaoju didn't understand the purpose of being bought into the valley until they were stripped naked and put on the bed. . .

They are both excited and scared. What is exciting is that from now on, they will no longer have to do rough and tiring work, and they can sleep/sleep with different women every day.

But they were afraid. When they first came in, there were quite a few women standing outside. Could they handle it with their small bodies?

It is said that Mrs. Zhu brought a young man back home, and Xiuzhi was putting away the dried clothes in the house. When she saw her mother came back, she also brought a man with her, and hurriedly asked, "Mother, who is he?"

Aunt Zhu smiled and said, "Silly boy, can't you tell? This is the husband your mother found for you."

Both the young man and Xiuzhi were taken aback, one was puzzled, the other was ashamed and angry.

After Aunt Zhu settled the young man, she came to her daughter's room: "Xiu'er, what do you think of this man?"

Xiuzhi shook her head: "Mother, I don't like a husband bought like this."

Aunt Zhu is someone who has been here before, how can she not understand Xiuzhi's intentions, how can she still have a crush on others after meeting a man like Zheng Zhongwen.

"Xiuzhi, I know you like Zheng Zhongwen, but he has become Mrs. Hong's male favourite, you should accept that."

Aunt Zhu peeped out and looked outside, and said in a low voice: "Mother asked about it when she was outside, Zheng Zhongwen and Tianhu are not ordinary people."

Xiuzhi was puzzled: "What do you mean by not being an ordinary person? Who are they?"

Aunt Zhu said: "This Zheng Zhongwen is the Emperor's conferred side-by-side king. His father is the Duke of Yongding, and Tianhu is also great. He used to be the general of Hussars who quelled the wars in the western borders, but now he is the Marquis of Dingxi."

Xiuzhi doesn't understand these things, she doesn't understand what is the side-by-side king or the Duke of Yongding, but looking at her mother's appearance, she must have a very noble status, but it's a pity that falling into the hands of Mrs. Hong, no matter how noble she is, don't even think about it. One step out of this Pear Blossom Valley, one is destined to be trapped here for the rest of her life, just like them.

Thinking of Mr. Zheng's eyes begging her to help her last night, and thinking of his affectionate manner when he mentioned his wife and daughter, her heart ached and she gritted her teeth. She asked her mother, "Mother, the poison you refined It’s really powerful, it can make people feel weak all over.”

Aunt Zhu smiled and shook her head: "How can I have this ability? I bought it outside with a lot of money. It's called Cartilage Powder. Those who are poisoned by this poison will remain weak unless they take an antidote, and even struggle to walk." .”

Xiuzhi asked: "Then will they be like this for the rest of their lives?"

Aunt Zhu waved her hand: "I can't, I can't, how can I stay like this for the rest of my life, besides, the poison of cartilage powder, you need to take the antidote every ten days, otherwise the bones will really become soft and can never recover."

"Then you have an antidote?"

Aunt Zhu nodded: "Of course, I gave it to Mrs. Hong." She lowered her voice and said, "I also kept a little for myself. Who knows if Mrs. Hong will turn her face and deny people? If she uses this medicine against us , we also have a way out."

(End of this chapter)

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