Chapter 954 The Antidote
Chapter 965

Xiuzhi kept staring at her mother, seeing her gaze fell on the cabinet in the corner, she knew it.

There was a small medicine box in the cabinet, and the medicine box was full of bottles and cans of medicine, with notes posted on them.

"Mom, I want to eat dates, do you have any?"

Aunt Zhu only had this one daughter in her life, and she was in pain like her heart. When she heard that her daughter wanted to eat jujubes, she immediately said: "You wait, mother will go to Alan's house to pick them for you."

As soon as Mrs. Zhu left, Xiuzhi hurriedly closed the door, quickly opened the cabinet in the room, and rummaged through the small medicine box. She knew all the medicines in it, but there was only one bottle that she had never seen before. It seems that this is what the mother said. The antidote.

There were more than half of the jar of pills in it, she poured out two, thought for a while, poured out two more, and put the jar back.

These four antidotes are enough for them to survive for 20 days, and they should be able to find a way to detoxify.

She put away the elixir, and before her mother came back, she quietly left the courtyard, went to Wangqingju to visit, and saw that there were people guarding the house where the two lived, so she retreated. If the timing is not good, just wait, there will always be a chance.

The next day, Aunt Zhu made the meals and sent Xiuzhi to Wangqingju as usual, and told her to leave after delivering the meals, and not to talk to Zheng Zhongwen, lest Mrs. Hong would be unhappy if she found out.

Xiuzhi agreed, took the food box and left.

Aunt Zhu is still very relieved of her daughter. She has always been obedient and obedient, and has never disobeyed her.

When Xiuzhi came to Wangqingju, Zheng Zhongwen was still tied to the bed. Except for eating and going to the toilet, he was tied up almost the rest of the time. It can be imagined that he was in great pain both physically and mentally.

She quickly put down the food, but the woman outside didn't follow, she tiptoed to Zheng Zhongwen's body, stuffed a pill into his mouth without saying a word, and then used another The pill wrapped in oiled paper was stuffed into his arms, and it was written on the oiled paper that the medicine should be taken every ten days.

Zhongwen's mouth was suddenly stuffed with elixir, and before he had time to react, the elixir had already been swallowed. He was about to ask, but Xiuzhi shook his head at him, signaling him not to speak.

Zhongwen shut his mouth, wondering if this is the antidote, secretly happy, this Xiuzhi is Aunt Zhu's daughter, it is not unusual for her to have an antidote.

Xiuzhi turned her head to look outside, and said in a low voice, "If you can leave, can you take me with you?"

She doesn't want to be trapped here for the rest of her life, and she doesn't want to marry the man she bought yesterday. There is a shortage of men in the valley. No matter whose husband it is, it is impossible to guard a woman all the time. Even if he doesn't provoke other women, There will also be other women who will provoke him. She doesn't want to live such a life. She wants to find a man who, like Zheng Zhongwen, only thinks about his wife and daughter.

Zhong Wen nodded without thinking, as long as he recovered his skill, with his and Tianhu's abilities, it wouldn't be a big problem to take one more person away.

Xiuzhi nodded: "I believe you." She turned around and walked to the table, picked up another food box and went to Tianhu's room.

After taking the pill, it burned his dantian like a raging fire, and soon, he felt that his strength was gradually recovering.

The woman guarding outside the door came in, untied the ropes that bound him, and let him eat in the room by himself, while she went out to chat and laugh with the woman guarding Tianhu.

(End of this chapter)

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