Chapter 955 I want to leave
Chapter 967

"Let me tell you, if you want to leave this Pear Blossom Valley, you will never be able to get out without my nod."

Zhongwen sneered: "It seems that you don't intend to cooperate?"

Mrs. Hong said: "I am the owner of the Pear Blossom Valley. You don't know the rules of the Pear Blossom Valley. I will tell you now that this Pear Blossom Valley has always been only allowed to enter and not allowed to leave. Since you have entered, don't even think about it." Get out, even if you kill me now, I can't let you go."

In terms of being ruthless, her matchmaker has never been afraid of anyone.

It's a pity that she met Tianhu and Zheng Zhongwen today. When facing the enemy, they will never be kind, otherwise they will be cruel to themselves.

Tianhu clasped her neck again: "If this is the case, then there is no need for you to exist."

Madam Hong thought that they were just trying to scare her, but they didn't dare to kill her after all.

It wasn't until the moment she was about to die that she realized that she was wrong. The man in front of her was more ruthless than she had imagined.

At this time, she wanted to repent, but it seemed too late. Her throat was choked, and she couldn't say a word until she was plunged into darkness, complete darkness.

Tianhu left Mrs. Hong behind, and probed her breath with the other hand, there was only air coming out, not in.

He said to Zhongwen: "It's done, let's go."

The two walked out of the room, and there were two women who had been knocked out, they went straight out of Wangqingju, met two young girls on the way, asked the way to Xiuzhi's house, and rushed there.

Aunt Zhu was about to close the courtyard door, when she saw the two men barging in, she was terrified: "You guys? Why—"

Zhongwen said: "Mother Zhu, is Xiuzhi here?"

Aunt Zhu nodded blankly: "Yes, in the room, why are you here? Didn't Madam Hong let someone watch you?"

Zhongwen nodded to Tianhu, Tianhu understood, he stayed and looked at Aunt Zhu, Zhongwen went into the house to find Xiuzhi.

Xiuzhi was already lying down, but when she heard the commotion outside, she got up, quickly put on her clothes, and took out the bundle hidden at the foot of the bed.

Zhongwen pushed open the door and saw that she had already packed her bags, so he didn't say much: "Let's go."

Xiuzhi nodded heavily, he really didn't disappoint her, he really didn't sneak away by himself.

Xiuzhi followed Zhongwen out of the room, and Aunt Zhu broke out in a cold sweat when she saw her daughter coming out with a burden on her back: "Xiuzhi, what are you doing?"

Xiuzhi said with red eyes: "Mother, I don't want to stay in Pear Blossom Valley anymore, I want to leave, I'm going to see the outside world."

Aunt Zhu quickly waved her hand: "No, no, no, if Mrs. Hong finds out, she won't spare you. You can't do stupid things."

Tianhu said: "I've already killed that woman, who else can she spare?"

Aunt Zhu was stunned: "What did you say? You killed her? Well, how is this possible? She has two helpers with strong martial arts, how can you kill her?"

Tianhu snorted coldly: "Perhaps in your eyes, those two women are masters of martial arts, but in our eyes, they are not even farts."

Thinking of the identities of the two of them, Aunt Zhu immediately understood that they were both generals on the battlefield, and their skills were naturally very good. So, Madam Hong is really dead?

For some reason, she didn't feel sad at all. Instead, she was happy. The woman died, and she finally died. She no longer had to bow her knees in front of her, and no longer had to bow to her for her daughter's safety.

(End of this chapter)

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