Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 957 Something Your Majesty is familiar with?

Chapter 957 Something Your Majesty is familiar with?
Chapter 969

This is an old forest that is rarely visited by people. If Mrs. Zhu hadn't walked many times, there would be marks left by her secretly on the road, letting them go by themselves, I am afraid that they will not be able to get out for ten days and a half months.

It was not until noon the next day that the four of them left Lao Lin.

When they parted, Zhongwen borrowed a pen and paper from a tea shop on the side of the road, wrote a letter in his own hand, and handed it to Aunt Zhu.

"Aunt Zhu, thanks to the help of you and Miss Xiuzhi, I escaped from the Pear Blossom Valley just now. I will never forget the grace of saving my life. If you and Miss Xiuzhi can't find a place to stay in Xijiang, you can go to Pengcheng or Jincheng, where I will be there." The medical center opened by my wife is called Rongyu Hall. Take my letter and go, and they will take you in. You know medical skills. A little help from Rongyu Hall."

Aunt Zhu was overjoyed and thanked again and again: "Thank you, young master."

Looking at the back of Zheng Zhongwen striding away, Xiuzhi moistened her face: "Mother, will we see him again in the future?"

Aunt Zhu shook her head: "Maybe not, he is such a high-ranking person, how can we reach such a humble family like mud?"

With a lot of reluctance, the mother and daughter finally embarked on a new journey. It may be difficult, but they are happy in their hearts.


Zhou Dynasty, royal palace.

"Your Majesty, this is the treasure I received in the pawnshop. Please accept it with a smile." General Li presented the things in his hand to the eunuch, and the eunuch presented it to Zhou An.

Zhou An's eyes swept away lightly, and when his eyes touched the dagger, his face became strange, and he immediately grabbed the dagger and examined it carefully.

Seeing this, General Li also looked puzzled: "Your Majesty has seen this dagger before?"

Zhou An got up, rushed to General Li, and asked angrily, "Where did this come from?"

General Li had never seen His Majesty so out of control, and he was shocked. Could it be something His Majesty is familiar with?
"Returning to Your Majesty, I got this thing by accident in a pawnshop. According to the owner of the pawnshop, this thing was pawned by a merchant from the Chu Dynasty. The merchant came to our Zhou Dynasty to do business. The bandits robbed all the goods and money, leaving only this dagger hidden close to his body, and he pawned the dagger in order to raise the travel expenses back to Chu."

Zhou An stared fixedly at the dagger in his hand, without raising his head, he said, "Go and investigate, find this merchant for me, and I will interrogate him myself."

General Li didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately led the order to retreat.

Zhou An sat back on the soft chair behind the desk, staring at the dagger without blinking.

This is the relic of the concubine mother, and it is also Rong Yue's belongings. After Rong Yue passed away, he ordered people to send all her relics to his residence, and looked at them one by one, up to the bedding she slept on. Down to the silk handkerchief she used, there was nothing missing, but he didn't see this dagger.

He also didn't intend to pursue it. He didn't expect this thing to appear again, or did it appear in the Chu Dynasty?
The merchants who had already left the capital of the Zhou Dynasty were finally chased back by General Li and escorted all the way into the palace.

The merchant was terrified, he knelt down in front of the emperor trembling.

Zhou An walked up to him with a dagger: "Do you know this thing?"

The merchant hurriedly nodded: "I know you, I know it. It was originally a villain's thing, but it was pawned in a pawn shop just a few days ago."

"Tell me, where did this thing come from?" He got up, returned to the royal table and sat down, staring at the merchant coldly: "Be clear, be clear, don't miss a single word."

(End of this chapter)

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