Chapter 958
Chapter 970

The merchant nodded again and again, and explained the ins and outs of the matter in detail.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the villain was originally a cloth merchant in the western border of the Chu Dynasty. He bought a batch of cloth half a month ago and planned to send it to the western border for sale. Before leaving, he went to my brother-in-law's pawn shop to say goodbye. The man took this dagger to pawn, and the villain saw the beauty of the dagger at that time, so he bid to buy it, and spent 100 taels of silver."

Zhou An asked, "How old is that woman and what does she look like?"

The merchant said: "The woman is in her 40s, at most in her early [-]s, she looks ordinary, nothing special."

"But a native of Xijiang?"

"Listen to the accent, dress plainly, and the family should not be rich."

Zhou An frowned, so the clue was broken again?How did this dagger flow out of the palace and land in Xijiang?
Zhou An was really bored, he waved his hand and said, "It's okay, step back."

General Li asked Zhou An: "Your Majesty, what about this person?"

"Let him go, this matter has nothing to do with him."

General Li led the man out of the imperial study.

At this time, the palace maid came to report: "Your Majesty, Concubine Xue ordered her servants to invite Your Majesty. Today is Prince Jiao's birthday. Prince Jiao has been clamoring to see His Majesty."

Zhou An was even more troubled. The women in the harem used so many tricks, either using their children as an excuse, or pretending to be sick.

I didn't plan to go, but I thought Xue'er was Rong Yue's closest person after all, why this handle was left outside the palace, maybe Xue'er would know.

"Show Jinghe Palace."

A group of people left in a mighty manner. Xue'er, who had no hope at first, was very happy to see the arrival of Wang Jia. His Majesty seldom came to Jinghe Palace, and even rarely came to the harem, even though she was not the only concubine in the harem now.

"See Your Majesty!"

Zhou An strode over without looking at her, and waved: "Get up."

Entering the inner hall, Zhou An sat down at the main seat, and saw Zhou Jiao who was staring at him with wide eyes. The child looked very much like him, and they were clearly father and son, but he looked strange to the father. , no matter how Xueer coaxes him to call him father, he refuses.

Zhou An didn't care too much, and without the boring greetings, he took out his dagger and asked Xue'er, "Do you know this?"

Xue'er was taken aback, and blurted out: "Isn't this my sister's personal dagger?" This can be regarded as a token of love between my sister and Zheng Zhongwen.

Zhou Andao: "This king remembers that when Rongyue was still there, this dagger was always in her hand, but why did the dagger disappear after Rongyue left?"

Xue'er didn't know what he meant by asking this, did he suspect that she took the dagger?
"Your Majesty, before my sister fell ill, the concubine hadn't been by my sister's side for a long time, and the concubine didn't know when the dagger disappeared."

"You really don't know?" Zhou An asked.

Xue'er shook her head: "The concubine really doesn't know." She raised her eyebrows and looked at Zhou An. The gentle and moist young master in the past has changed, becoming so indifferent.

Zhou An also looked back at her, trying to find a trace, even a trace of the melting moon in her body.

Unfortunately not, Xueer and Rongyue are completely different.

He got up, put away the dagger, and said: "Since I don't know, forget it, this king has something else to do."

He strode away, ignoring Xueer's tearful eyes filled with resentment.

Since ancient times, the emperor is the most affectionate!

Since ancient times, the emperor is the most ruthless!

He returned to the palace, put the dagger together with Rongyue's other relics, and started his daily daze again, recalling all the past, the surprise and surprise when he first saw her, and after getting to know her, he fell in love with her. Her sweetness, the loss and helplessness when she learned that she was interested.

(End of this chapter)

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