Chapter 959 Bit by bit of memories
Chapter 971

The ecstasy when seeing her again, the heart-wrenching pain when losing her, the memories bit by bit, piled up into a river, piled up into a sea, he can't forget it, and he doesn't want to forget it, he wants to carry these memories all the way to life At the end of his life, he would never drink that bowl of soup from Granny Meng. In his next life, he must find her first, hold her hand, and never let go.

Life and death are boundless, without thinking, never forgetting.

"Your Majesty, there is a person outside the palace who claims to be a minister of the Chu Dynasty and asks to see him."

Zhou An returned to his senses, secretly wiped away the wet marks on his face, turned to the eunuch and asked, "Minister of the Chu Dynasty? What's his name?"

"He said his surname is Qi, Qi Yongchun."

Qi Yongchun?
Zhou An raised his eyebrows, and a cold look flashed across his face.

It was just right for him to come, he didn't look for him, he came by himself, very good.

He got up, walked to the front hall, and said to the eunuch: "Send him in."

Qi Yongchun didn't know Zhou An, but Zhou An knew Qi Yongchun.

Back then, he bribed the killer and wanted to kill Rongyue. In order to save Xueer, Rongyue was accidentally plotted by the killer and fell off the cliff.

It was also that time that Zheng Zhongwen saved her life, and the relationship between her and Zheng Zhongwen also changed subtly since that time.

If it wasn't for that accident, maybe, maybe Rongyue wouldn't like Zheng Zhongwen at all, maybe Rongyue would be with him in the end.

The chief culprit who caused them to be separated from each other forever is Qi Yongchun.

"You are Qi Yongchun?" Zhou An coldly looked at Qi Yongchun who was kneeling in the palace.

Qi Yongchun nodded hastily: "It's the villain." He felt wrong again, King Zhou's question seemed to have a feeling that he had known him before.

He stole his eyes to look up at the King of Zhou, and seeing his eyes staring at him coldly, he couldn't help shivering, and asked with a smile, "Have you ever heard of a villain, Your Majesty?"

Zhou An sneered: "I have, of course I have. Back then, I was in Rongyu Hall in Pengcheng, so I knew everything about you very well."

Qi Yongchun was taken aback, what did he just say?He had stayed in Rongyu Hall in Pengcheng?Is there a mistake?How could he go to Rongyu Hall in Pengcheng?
Zhou An saw his confused face, and sneered, "You may not know that it's all thanks to Rong Yue that I was able to return to the Zhou Dynasty to inherit the throne. If it wasn't for her, this king would not have sat on this seat."

Qi Yongchun clearly felt the murderous intent in Zhou An's eyes, and he broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't know that King Zhou and Rong Yue had such a relationship, and now he suddenly regretted it. He really shouldn't have come this way. Maybe the king of Zhou knew very well about Qi Rongyue's death.

"Qi Yongchun, when I was in Pengcheng, I wanted to kill you, but now you are sensible, and you have come to your door yourself."

"Come on, drag it down, kill with a stick."

Qi Yongchun was so scared that he almost peed his pants. He is a civil servant, but he is not as courageous as a military officer.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please forgive me. The villain was deceived by lard at the beginning, and he made a big mistake when he was confused for a while. Your Majesty, for the sake of Rongyue, and for the sake of giving birth to her after all, please forgive me." Little man."

"A person like you is also worthy of being Rong Yue's father? He should be killed!"

"Your Majesty, no matter what, the villain is Rong Yue's biological father. If she knows that you killed the villain, she will definitely feel uncomfortable."

Zhou An snorted coldly: "She's gone, who are you telling this to? Hurry up and drag it on."

Qi Yongchun hurriedly shouted: "I know where she is, as long as Your Majesty wants, I am willing to help Your Majesty bring her to the Zhou Dynasty."

(End of this chapter)

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