Chapter 960 She Is My Queen

Chapter 972

At this time Qi Yongchun had been dragged to the entrance of the main hall, Zhou An raised his hand: "Wait a minute, bring me here."

Qi Yongchun was put in front of Zhou An again.

He got up and walked in front of Qi Yongchun step by step, his handsome eyes were full of coldness, and he said word by word: "What did you just say? Say it again."

Qi Yongchun's legs trembled in fright, and he hurriedly said: "I know where she is, as long as Your Majesty wants her, I am willing to help Your Majesty bring her to the Zhou Dynasty."

Zhou An suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Qi Yongchun's neckline, and said viciously: "This king asks you, what do you mean by this?"

It wasn't until this time that Qi Yongchun realized that Zhou An didn't know that Rong Yue was still alive?Did he think Rong Yue was dead?
He breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that his life was saved.

"It seems that Your Majesty was also deceived by Rongyue. She is not dead, she is still alive, and she is alive and well." I have never been so lucky as today, glad that she is still alive. The king was killed.

Zhou An's hand tightly grasping his neckline did not let up in the slightest, his eyes were full of disbelief, he saw Rong Yue dying in front of his own eyes, he personally ignited the raging fire that sent her to hell, he collected her ashes with his own hands, It is still used in the inner hall today.

"Is this true?"

Qi Yongchun nodded heavily: "Even if a villain has a hundred heads, he wouldn't dare to make up such nonsense."

"Where is she now?" Zhou An's voice was a little trembling, he still couldn't believe it, but he was willing to believe it, and he was willing to give everything in exchange for her coming back to life.

"She is now named Chu Yue, married Zheng Zhongwen, and gave birth to a daughter." Qi Yongchun carefully looked at Zhou An's face.

Sure enough, Zhou An immediately flew into a rage: "She actually—she is the queen of this king, she—" He couldn't say the harsh words, that was Rong Yue, the woman he loved more than his life.

Could it be that the sudden serious illness was all an illusion?
Could it be that she put in so much effort to act out this deceitful act just to escape from his side?

Is he so unworthy of her love?Then Zheng Zhongwen is so good, is he so good?

Seeing Zhou An's distraught appearance, Qi Yongchun was very disturbed. He didn't know what choice this changeable Zhou king would make in the end.

"Your Majesty, you—"

"Shut up, procrastinate, and go to prison." He stared at Qi Yongchun coldly: "Remember, if what you said today is even a little false, you will die without a place to die."

Qi Yongchun hurriedly shouted: "Your Majesty, the villain can help you, the villain can help you, Your Majesty."

Zhou An snorted coldly: "No need, you are not worthy, my Rongyue, she will come back by herself."

She will definitely come back by herself and return to his side.

She is not dead, which is really great news.

He was happy and angry at the same time. When he was thinking of her painfully every day, she was lying in the arms of another man and gave birth to a child.

In the past two years, has she thought of him once?Have you ever felt sorry for him?

East County, Sima Mansion School Grounds.

Sima Changfeng came to the school field alone with the piano on his back, looked around the crowd for a while, and quickly squeezed to Chu Yu's side, "Chu Yu, you came quite early."

Rong Yue smiled lightly: "It's not too early, it's because you came late, it's about to start."

Sima Changfeng laughed: "That's right. In the second round today, the order of appearance will be based on the ranking of the previous round. You are No.1. You are the first to appear on the stage. Naturally, you have to come earlier. I am ranked in the thirties. It’s okay to be late.”

(End of this chapter)

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