Chapter 961
Chapter 973

Rong Yue glanced at the judges who were taking their seats one after another, and said to Sima Changfeng, "Are you ready for the piece to be played today?"

Sima Changfeng felt very guilty when he thought that the piece he was going to play was actually prepared by his father. He said with a dry smile, "It's ready, how about you?"

Rong Yue smiled lightly, her eyes were full of confidence: "You will know in a while."

After all the judges were seated, Patriarch Sima started, and there were attendants who announced their names. The first place, of course, was Jingdu Chuyu, who won the first round in the first round.

She walked forward slowly with the zither on her back, walking steadily step by step, with a straight body, exuding a sublime dignity, because of this aura, the ordinary face seemed to be overflowing with brilliance, which made people feel alive There is no feeling of contempt.

She sat down in front of the table, nodded slightly to Patriarch Sima who was looking at her, and then took out the piano from the backpack, still the same piano used last time.

Ordinary qin, not ordinary luthier, what kind of piece will he play this time?

Patriarch Sima had never been so impatient to hear someone play a piece of music. Seeing that his tender white fingers had touched the strings, Patriarch Sima closed his eyes, not wanting the outside world to interfere with his enjoyment of the wonderful sound.

Lightly clasp the slender fingers, and the crisp tone comes out. After tuning, the slender fingers quickly hook up, and a series of pleasant melodies are fresh and smooth, the rhythm is relaxed and bright, and the timbre is dignified and clean, just like the sound of snow bamboo.

Patriarch Sima was taken aback, is this 'Yangchun Baixue'?The change of this song is really wonderful. It retains the cheerfulness and cleanliness of the original song, but also plays it elegantly and brightly. Although the eyes are closed, it seems that there are beautiful scenes of spring flowers blooming in front of me, which makes people indulge in it. , unable to extricate themselves.

The melody is urgent and fast, and the player needs to have extremely high skill and a deep understanding of the piano rhyme in order to truly express this melody to the fullest.

Apparently, Chu Yu did it, she played it smoothly, and it was obvious that she was still able to control the song with ease.

He often composes music himself, either new ones or ancient ones. Many of his repertoires are widely circulated among the people.

It's really surprising that Chu Yu can do this. He seems to have a natural sensitivity to phonology, which is a talent that many people who love the piano can only dream of.

At the end of the song, he couldn't recover for a long time, chewing on the amazing tune in the piano music repeatedly, and learned a lot from it, which will be very useful for him to arrange and change music in the future.

She carried the piano on her back, and walked back to the crowd under the envious and jealous eyes of the crowd. Sima Changfeng came to her side and gave her a thumbs up: "That's great!"

She laughed, this tune was reorganized by her at random, and some tunes were even improvised when she was just playing it, completely according to her own preferences.


Sima Changfeng hurriedly said: "What's the use of just saying thank you, why don't you have a treat at noon, let's have a drink, don't you like the green apricot wine last time, it's fine around the afternoon and tomorrow, we won't go home until we're drunk."

Rong Yue didn't dare to drink with him anymore, she quickly waved her hands: "I have something to do later, I'm afraid I can't accompany you, another day, another day." She laughed dryly, her body was a few inches away from him intentionally or unintentionally.

Sima Changfeng didn't notice her small movements, he only thought that she would have something to do soon, so he said with a smile: "Alright, then another day."

(End of this chapter)

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