Chapter 962

Chapter 974

After listening to two pieces of music, Rong Yue felt very bored, so she quietly left with her piano on her back.

When Sima Changfeng turned his head, he saw that Chu Yu was no longer there. He searched everywhere but found no one, so he realized that he had really left. Because of his temperament, no matter what, he will only come when it is his turn to play in the afternoon.

But Chu Yu left without even saying hello. Is he really in such a hurry to do something?

He felt ridiculous again, when did he become so resentful like a woman?
Because of these emotions, he performed abnormally today, and barely made it into the top [-], entering the third round of the competition.

Patriarch Sima was very dissatisfied with his performance and reprimanded him again.

He went out in the evening and went alone to the small wine shop where he drank with Chu Yu before, ordered two cold dishes, and drank alone.

I don't know how to express my depression.

Didn't the ancients say that when you get drunk, you will forget all your troubles?

But why is he always drunk?Why are the worries in my heart getting stronger and stronger?

He obviously reacted to women, but why did he react the same to him when facing Chu Yu?

Could it be that he is really as good as Long Yang?But before he met Chu Yu, he didn't realize that he had this hobby at all.

Knowing that this is wrong, knowing that it is a crime, but I can't help but think about him.

Those clear eyes that seemed to be able to analyze everything in the world kept appearing in front of his eyes, and he wanted to catch them, but he couldn't.

It was as if there were [-] ants constantly scratching at his heart, itching and hurting, lingering and indelible.

After drinking several jars of wine, he got up drunk, dropped a silver coin, and carrying the remaining half jar of wine, he came to the inn where Chu Yu was staying.

The inn was full, and the door was closed, so he sat in front of the door, knocking on the door one after another.

Xiao Er came to open the door with eyes blinded, and saw that it was Mr. Sima who had been here several times, so he asked, "Master, you are so late, are you here to find Mr. Chu?"

Sima Changfeng got up, pushed Xiaoer away, and went straight in: "If I don't look for him, I'll look for you, get out of the way."

Xiaoer stepped forward and stopped him: "Young master, Mr. Chu has already rested. With your appearance, I am afraid that you will disturb other customers in the store. Why don't you go back first and come back tomorrow when you wake up from the wine?"

Sima Changfeng was so drunk that he could only see Chu Yu and tell him what was on his mind, and he couldn't wait for a moment.

He pushed Xiao Er away, walked unsteadily to the escalator, and shouted Chu Yu's name loudly.

Xiao Er was on the sidelines, persuading and obstructing him, but it was of no use at all, people couldn't see him at all, as if he didn't exist.

Chu Yu lived in a Tianzihao room on the third floor, and most of the people living on the second floor were merchants and reckless people, and even a few quacks.

Sima Changfeng's yelling naturally disturbed other people's dreams. Merchants would choose to be patient, and quacks would choose to understand, but reckless men are different. They are reckless by nature and prone to make trouble. How can it be possible to bear this breath?

Two burly, bare-armed men came out of a guest room, walked directly to the stairs, blocked Sima Changfeng's way, and said angrily, "Grandpa, it's midnight, what are you arguing about here?"

Sima Changfeng raised his drunken eyes to look at the rough man, and said with a smile, "You call me grandpa? Do I look so old?"

(End of this chapter)

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