Chapter 963

Chapter 975

The two reckless men were brothers, they gambled together today, and lost everything in the end, they were full of anger, and Sima Changfeng undoubtedly hit their guns.

The reckless man stretched out his hand to grab Sima Changfeng's shoulder. Although Sima Changfeng was drunk, he was not ignorant of human affairs. He also knew that the double shadowed person in front of him wanted to harm him, so he dodged subconsciously.

If it flashed on flat ground, it would be nothing, at most it would be an unsteady fall, but what he was standing on at this time was not flat ground, but a steep staircase, his center of gravity was already unstable, and this With a flash of force, his body fell straight down.

Xiao Er behind him also suffered, and the two of them rolled down the stairs like wheels of a cart.

Sima Changfeng fell directly and passed out, but Xiaoer was still awake, his leg hurt so badly that it looked like it was broken.

He yelled for help, and all the guests in the inn were shocked.

Liang'er, who had already fallen asleep, heard the shouts, and she put on her clothes and came out to check. She stood at the stairs on the third floor and looked down. She saw Sima Changfeng lying unconscious on the ground at a glance.

She hurried back to Wangfei's room and shouted to Wangfei: "It's not good, Mr. Sima was beaten and passed out below."

Rong Yue was also shocked when she heard the words, and hurriedly put on the human skin mask that had already been taken off, ignoring the paint on it, and followed Liang'er out of the room quickly.

Those two reckless men saw that things were getting serious, so they didn't dare to stay any longer, they quietly went back to their room, took their bags and slipped away, not even closing the room.

Rong Yue went downstairs in a hurry, and first checked Sima Changfeng's body. There were many bruises on his body, and his arm was broken, but none of this was the reason for his coma.

The soaring smell of alcohol can explain the problem very well.

She checked Xiaoer's injury again, and said with a light smile, "Your leg bone is dislocated, I'll fix it for you now, it's fine, but you should take care to protect your leg in the near future, don't walk fast, especially don't run and jump, It will be back to normal after a while.”

Xiao Er was in so much pain that she repeatedly thanked Qi Rongyue: "Thank you, Mr. Chu."

She stretched out her hand to clasp Xiao Er's leg bone, and didn't even watch her move, only heard a click, and the dislocated leg bone was recombined.

Liang'er helped Xiao Er get up, helped him to sit on a bench beside him, Liang'er asked: "What's going on?"

With a bitter face, Xiao Er pointed to Sima Changfeng who was lying on the ground and said, "Mr. Sima drank too much and wanted to talk to Mr. Chu. Seeing that he was really drunk, I advised him to come back tomorrow. , don’t disturb the young master’s rest.”

But Mr. Sima not only refused to listen, but also yelled loudly in the building. The two guest officials felt that it was noisy and came out to stop them. Who knew that these three sentences had not been said, so they raised their hands. In order to avoid the two Pushing and shoving by the guest officer, I lost my way and fell down, and I also took it down with me.

He was still rejoicing that he didn't fall from the third floor, otherwise it would have been even worse.

Rong Yue winked at Liang'er, Liang'er understood, took out a small piece of silver from the pouch around her waist, and stuffed it into Xiaoer's hand: "You can use this money to buy some nutritional supplements, let's forget about it." , Mr. Sima didn't mean it either."

Xiaoer was overjoyed, and nodded quickly: "I understand, I understand."

Rong Yue and Liang'er supported Sima Changfeng, helped him to the residence on the third floor, and settled him in Liang'er's room.

"Liang'er, sleep with me tonight and let him rest here for the night."

(End of this chapter)

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