Chapter 964

Chapter 976

After cooling off, he took out a new quilt from the cabinet and put it on the bed, then picked up the quilt he had made and went to the next room to make the bed.

Rong Yue took the wooden planks and strips of cloth, fixed his broken hands together, and then covered him with a quilt. Just as she turned to leave, Sima Changfeng's hand grabbed her wrist.

She couldn't shake it off no matter what, she frowned and said, "Are you really drunk or fake drunk?"

Sima Changfeng opened his eyes, his eyes were dazed. When he was bandaging him, he woke up. He smelled the smell emanating from his body. There was a smell of medicinal herbs in the faint and elegant scent, which was very special. It is very comfortable to wear.

Sensing that he was about to leave, he subconsciously reached out and grabbed him.

"Chu Yu, do you think I'm crazy too?"

Rong Yue looked at the hand tightly held by him, frowned and said: "Let go first, if this is seen by others, how decent is it?"

He didn't let it go, and while he was drunk, he would do what he wanted.

Maybe when he wakes up tomorrow, he will find it ridiculous, but now he just doesn't want to let go.

"Chu Yu, I know this is ridiculous, but I just can't control myself." Perhaps because of the drunk-eyed original voice, the Chu Yu he saw at this time seemed to be very different from the Chu Yu he usually saw, Although he was wearing men's clothing and wearing a man's bun, he was more like a woman disguised as a man.

Is he dazzled?How did his complexion look so fair and delicate tonight?

Rongyue didn't want to get entangled with him, so she directly took the silver needle and stabbed it at the side of his neck, and the hand that was tightly grasping her wrist finally loosened and slid down.

The wide-open eyes were closed again, the sound of heavy breathing sounded, and the smell of wine filled the room.

She turned around and walked out, went back to the room and locked the door, lest he would wake up in the middle of the night and rush to her room to be drunk again.

When Sima Changfeng woke up, it was already the morning of the next day, the sun poured in from the window and fell on his bed, warm and dreamy.

His head hurts, as if his body had been run over by a carriage, his whole body hurts, and he just wanted to reach out to rub his forehead, but found that his left arm was tied with a board and a bandage.

The disappearing memories came back quickly, like a basin of cold water poured over the head.

It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, he, Sima Changfeng, actually did such a thing, got drunk and made trouble, was injured, and while drunk grabbed a man's wrist and confessed, is this really what he did?

The door was pushed open, he quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, his footsteps were very light, not like the sound of a man walking, but like the walking of girls in the mansion, Xiaoli's footsteps are like this.

He opened his eyes a narrow slit, and peeked at Liang'er who was standing at the table with breakfast. Liang'er was slender—how could he use the word slender to describe Liang'er?Shouldn't it be thin?

But he is slender, even though he is wearing a loose robe, when he walks around, especially when he bends his back, his slender figure can be clearly seen.

Like, a woman's figure.

His eyes fell on Liang'er's side face, his skin was fair and fair, and the contours of his ears were also very delicate, which really resembled the ears of the maids in the mansion.

He wanted to see more clearly, when another person walked in: "Liang'er, is Mr. Sima awake?"

Liang'er turned around and said to Rongyue: "Not yet, you should wake up soon."

After finishing speaking, Liang'er took the tray and walked out.

She walked towards the bed, step by step, very slowly and lightly.

He was nervous for a while, not knowing how to face him, so he closed his eyes and refused to open them.

(End of this chapter)

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