Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 965 She's Very Good at It

Chapter 965 She's Very Good at It
Chapter 977

She saw his fluttering eyelashes and throat that kept swallowing saliva, and knew that he was awake, but she didn't say much, she just said softly: "There is hangover soup on the table, after drinking the hangover soup, eat something. Otherwise, it will be very uncomfortable, I will pretend that what happened yesterday never happened, and you can leave after eating."

After saying that, she turned around and was about to leave, but just a few steps away, Sima Changfeng who was on the bed suddenly opened his eyes, sat up and shouted to him: "Chu Yu, wait a minute."

He turned around, his cold eyes fell on him, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his lips, just like before.

Sima Changfeng coughed dryly twice, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. I was too drunk to play tricks. I assure you, there will never be a second time."

Rong Yue nodded: "Okay."

Seeing that he was about to leave again, Sima Changfeng shouted, "Chu Yu, can you sit with me? Let's talk."

She hesitated, she didn't want to have more contact with him, but she thought that she might get his help when she borrowed Baoqin in the future, so she nodded: "Okay."

She sat down at the table first, and pushed the steaming sober soup in front of Sima Changfeng who had just seated.

Sima Changfeng picked it up and drank it in one gulp. He said with a smile, "It's really delicious, even better than my mother's carefully prepared beef bone soup."

She smiled lightly and said nothing, then pushed the white porridge in front of him: "Eat some, your stomach will catch fire in a while."

If there was indeed a fire burning in his belly, he would not be polite, and ate the porridge cleanly.

"Is this made in the inn?" He asked, the porridge was soft, glutinous and sweet, and it was better than any he had eaten before.

"This is cooked by Lianger, she is very good at it."

Sima Changfeng raised his eyebrows: "Liang'er can cook?"

In his opinion, cooking is a job only for women. Liang'er is a man. Although he has some feminine features, a man is a man. How can he learn to cook?
Rong Yue smiled lightly: "Is it unusual? I can do it too, so I don't overwhelm myself with too many skills."

Sima Changfeng also laughed: "Yes, if they are like me, they will starve to death without the cook."

Rong Yue smiled and said nothing, Sima Changfeng asked again: "Chu Yu, after the competition, are you going back to Beijing?"

She nodded and looked sideways out of the window. The sun was shining brightly, and she didn't know what was going on in Kyoto today.

"What do you do for a living in Kyoto?"

She shrugged: "I'm actually a doctor, and I'm planning to open a medical clinic in Kyoto."

"So, the hospital is not open yet?"

"Yes, it hasn't opened yet, and there are still some things that haven't been dealt with. It will be opened when it is finished."

Sima Changfeng hurriedly said, "What do you think of Dong Jun?"

"Not bad, very lively."

"Why don't you open the medical clinic in Dongjun? The city of Kyoto is vast and there are many famous doctors. It's not easy to live here. If you stay in Dongjun, you will definitely be able to open the medical clinic here."

She chuckled: "It's impressive, it's a brothel, I don't need it."

He blushed, thinking that he knew about his visits to brothels, and said awkwardly: "Actually, I went to the beauty shop that day, and I really didn't do anything, it's just, it's just—" He didn't know how to explain, a big man went shopping Brothel, you said you didn't do anything, who would believe it?

Rong Yue raised her eyebrows, and said with a half-smile, "Brother Sima likes to visit brothels."

Sima Changfeng became more and more embarrassed, and hurriedly waved his hands: "No, no, it was the first time I went there that day. I went there just to verify a question. I left immediately after I got the answer, and I didn't stay for a moment."

(End of this chapter)

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