Chapter 966

Chapter 978

Go to brothel to verify a problem?Verify what?To verify whether he is a real man?

She wanted to laugh, but she couldn't help it, and made an indifferent expression: "Brother Sima is in his twenties, he is not married at this age, and it is understandable to occasionally go to brothels, but brother, I want to advise you , try to go as little as possible, and marry a wife earlier." She added in her heart, don't suffer from something wrong, and it will be too late to regret it.

Sima Changfeng looked distressed, it seems that this matter is really unclear, and it is getting darker and darker.

He simply changed the subject: "Chu Yu, do you have a family in Kyoto?"

Rong Yue nodded bluntly: "I'm married, my wife is as beautiful as a flower, and my daughter is cute and cute."

Sima Changfeng looked disappointed, and immediately lost interest in chatting.

He picked another bowl of porridge indiscriminately, got up and said goodbye.

Walking out of the inn, the more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became. Why did he come here last night to drink and go crazy?He must be laughing at himself in his heart.

Now that his hand is also broken, it seems that he has no chance for this piano competition.

Two days later, the third round of the Piano Fighting Competition was held. No surprises, Chu Yu overwhelmed all the opponents with an absolute advantage and came out on top again.

Patriarch Sima admired him very much, and hosted a banquet in the mansion that day for Rong Yue.

When the banquet was about to start, Sima Changfeng was dragged out by his mother to sit with him.

Sima Changfeng smiled awkwardly at Rong Yue: "Chu Yu, I'm sorry, I didn't tell you my identity in advance, I didn't mean to lie to you."

She shook her head and smiled lightly: "I have known for a long time that I, Chu Yu, never care about my status and status when making friends. It doesn't matter who you are, what matters is whether you are the one worthy of my friendship."

Patriarch Sima immediately clapped his hands: "Okay, well said." He turned his head to look at his son again, with a look of disgust on his face, and said, "Look at him, and then look at yourself. At the same age, you have achieved nothing until now. Without the protection of your family, what do you think you are now?"

Sima Changfeng was very dissatisfied with his father embarrassing Chu Yu in front of him like this, and said stubbornly: "I said a long time ago that I am not suitable for this job, and you insisted on forcing me. Now you can't do it well, and you blame me?"

Seeing that the flames of the father and son were rising and they were about to explode, Rong Yue hurriedly said: "Brother Sima also has his strengths, although he is slightly less talented in piano art, but he is very good at doing business , this is beyond the reach of ordinary people.”

Sima Changfeng asked: "How do you know I'm good at doing business?"

Rong Yue said with a smile: "I've been here for a long time, haven't I seen or heard of it? Although there are many piano shops in East County, but the business is really good, but only those shops of Sima's. I heard that brother Sima not only runs a piano shop, but also dabbles in restaurants and inns, and even cloth village rouge shops, you open whatever makes money."

Patriarch Sima looked surprised: "You also opened a rouge shop? Why didn't I know?"

Mrs. Sima at the side gave her husband a sideways look, and said angrily, "What do you know? Every day you know how to go around your precious piano. Have you managed the shop in the clan?"

"Do you know the daily expenses of the mansion?"

"Have you ever asked if the money earned by those shops is enough for the government to spend?"

Patriarch Sima looked embarrassed, and whispered to his wife: "Stop talking, Mr. Chu is here."

Seeing that Rong Yue knew everything about him, Chief Sima was extraordinarily happy, feeling that he was not just a passerby in the other party's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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