Chapter 967
Chapter 979

The host and guest enjoyed a meal, and neither Patriarch Sima nor Rong Yue had met a bosom friend on the Qin Dao for many years.

Patriarch Sima is no less obsessed with phonology than Yuan Dao, but the two have completely different personalities, one is extreme and stubborn, the other is broad-minded.

Seeing his father chatting with Chu Yu so happily and intently that he didn't even move his chopsticks, and he couldn't get his mouth in at all. At this moment, he seemed to be in a different world from them. He regretted being taught by his father. When he was playing the piano, he didn't learn it well, otherwise how could he not even be able to interrupt at this time.

As the sky darkened, Rong Yue got up to say goodbye, although it was lunch, but she ate until night.

Mrs. Sima said, "Why don't you stay for dinner?"

Rong Yue waved her hand: "Let's change it to another day, it's too late today, thank you Patriarch and Madam for their hospitality, it's really a great blessing in life to meet a bosom friend in a foreign land."

Patriarch Sima also expressed emotion: "I heard Changfeng talk about you before, saying that you have never really learned the art of piano, you like it since you were young, you play casually, and I didn't believe in the ability you have developed from playing. I have talked with you today. I know how narrow my thinking was in the past. It is true that learning from a teacher in Yiqu is the only way to success, but it is not the inevitable way. You can achieve what you are today, thanks to you not being a teacher, otherwise, the master's Thinking ideas will seal your unrestrained imagination, genius, you are really a genius!"

"The head of the family has a good reputation. I only caressed it because I like it. I didn't think too much, and I never thought that I would come to participate in the piano competition."

"Everyone has a different understanding of the qin. It is really inappropriate to use the qin art to fight. Playing the qin is to express emotions and adjust the taste of life. It is more utilitarian to use it for fighting. How can it be played? Really good song?"

Patriarch Sima agreed with her words very much, but there was one thing he didn't understand: "Since you think it's inappropriate, why did you come to participate?"

Now that she asked about this point, she felt that the time had come, so she simply said: "To tell you the truth, my master, I came to participate in the piano fight, and I really wanted to attract the attention of the master, to make friends with you, and to make another unfeeling request." .”

Patriarch Sima raised his eyebrows: "Oh? It seems that you have really put in a lot of thought. What is it that bothers you?"

She detailed the rebellion between Luoxiu City and Yuan Dao. Luoxiu City relied on the magic sound to attack the city, and had already conquered several cities. The defenders of the city are no match for the magic sound at all. If they attack the capital, they will inevitably mobilize a large army from the frontier to defend against the enemy. Internal strife will arise, and external worries will continue.

Patriarch Sima is also a very bloody person. Hearing this, he was very angry: "How can the qin be used as a sharp weapon to kill people because of its elegance and mood, it is really hateful."

Patriarch Sima turned his head to look at Rongyue: "I know your reason for coming, do you want the golden Lang Baoqin?"

He is the head of the Sima family. The Sima family has guarded the Jinlang Baoqin for generations. Naturally, he knows some special functions of the Baoqin. Treasures in the world have the function of exorcising evil spirits and enlightening one's mind. Using the golden Lang Baoqin to fight against evil sounds is undoubtedly the best way.

"I also ask Patriarch Sima to complete it." She respectfully bowed her hands and begged Patriarch Sima.

(End of this chapter)

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