Chapter 968 Wu Xing Baoxian
Chapter 980

Patriarch Sima sighed: "It's not that I don't agree to you, it's just that although the body of this precious qin has been repaired, the strings have not been reinstalled, because I have never found suitable strings for this golden qin. "

Sima Changfeng did not expect that Chu Yu was not as ordinary as he thought. His purpose of coming to Dongjun was not to get a piano made by Sima's parents, but to come for the fate of his family, country and the world. .

Sima Changfeng said: "Father, don't we still have a box of silk strings in our warehouse?"

Patriarch Sima sighed: "Ordinary celestial silk strings are simply not worthy of the golden Lang Baoqin, nor can it exert the true power of the Jinlang Baoqin to exorcise evil spirits."

Rong Yue nodded: "That's true. Although ordinary silkworm silk has good toughness, it is not hard enough. Although the tunes played are sad and beautiful, they lack a sense of righteousness."

Patriarch Sima nodded appreciatively: "That's right, that's why the Jinlangqin hasn't been re-stringed all these years."

Mrs. Sima said anxiously: "Then there is no other way? If the capital city falls, our East County will not have a good time. If Luoxiu City is so tyrannical, the future of our Chu Dynasty must be dark and boundless!"

Sure enough, she was right. Such a family chose the country without hesitation in the face of the fate of the family and the country. If everyone can have the same dedication as them, then the Chu Dynasty will become a rock-solid country. highlands.

Patriarch Sima said: "It's not impossible, it's just—"

Mrs. Sima said anxiously: "What are you still talking about at this time? Why don't you hurry up and say it."

Patriarch Sima said: "Have you heard of Wu Xing Baoxian?"

Rong Yue shook her head, expressing that she had never heard of it.

Mrs. Sima also shook her head, but Sima Changfeng said: "I have heard that this Wu Xing Baoxian also has a store in our East County. The owner is an old man with a strange personality, but I heard that the strings in the store are very good. I practiced them last year. I accidentally broke the string while playing the piano, so I planned to go to the store to buy a string, but who knows, the old man was very enthusiastic at first, but then when he heard that I was from the Sima family, he immediately threw me out , cursing and saying that they will not do business with our Sima family, and they have no sympathy at all."

Patriarch Sima nodded and sighed softly: "It's him. If there is anyone in this world who can re-string the Jinlang Baoqin, it must be him."

Sima Changfeng asked: "But why doesn't he want to do business with our Sima family? You know, in this Eastern County, [-]% to [-]% of the people are descendants of our Sima family, and he doesn't love Sima family members." Life, then why open the store here? Isn’t this looking for a loss?”

Patriarch Sima said: "It's a long story. In the early years, I had some personal grievances with the boss of Wu Xing Baoxian. He hated me to the bone, and he even hated the entire Sima family. That's why I heard that you belonged to the Sima family. people, they reacted so violently."

Mrs. Sima suddenly realized: "Could it be that Mr. Wu Xing Liu who lost to you in the piano competition 20 years ago?"

Patriarch Sima nodded: "It's him. He lost the piano fight back then, and he never forgot about it. He thought it was wrong for him to lose, and it was unreasonable for me to win. He always took me as a thorn in his side, so much so that The entire Sima family hates it."

"So, as long as you find this master Wu Xingliu, the matter will be settled?" Rong Yue asked.

(End of this chapter)

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