Chapter 969 Boss Liu
Chapter 981

Patriarch Sima nodded: "That's right, in the face of a great enemy, the Jinlang Baoqin can play its role in saving the people from fire and water, so I won't say a word of refusal, but this old Wu Xing, Liu, hates me to the bone. Not to mention that I am looking for him to renew the strings of the Baoqin, even seeing him, it is even more difficult."

"He is really a stubborn person. However, such a person also has his cuteness. If we can make good use of this, maybe the matter can be easily resolved." She smiled slightly, the corners of her lips were slightly curved so perfect , Echoing her beautiful eyes, a kind of confident wisdom faintly emanates from her ordinary face, attracting everyone's attention.

Patriarch Sima didn't notice his son's absent-minded appearance, and said with a bright smile: "Brother Chu Yu is really an interesting person, I believe you will be able to convince that stubborn head."

Not much to say, Rong Yue left immediately, it was getting late, she had to go back and study how to deal with Master Liu of Wu Xing.

"I'll see you off." Sima Changfeng hurriedly followed.

Rong Yue shook her head: "No need, it's not a girl's house, what do you want to give? I live not far from here, just a few steps away."

Sima Changfeng was a little disappointed. He could clearly feel that Chu Yu was deliberately unwilling to be alone with him. Maybe he was afraid that he would go crazy again and say something he shouldn't say.

It was another sleepless night, that face kept appearing in my mind, my heart hurt, and I couldn't breathe steadily. This feeling was really uncomfortable.

He doesn't have this kind of experience, and he doesn't know how to vent his emotions. If only he were a woman, he wouldn't have to suffer so much, and he could boldly pursue her.

However, he is not her, but him.

The next day, Rong Yue carried the broken strings on her back and came to the Wu Xing Baoxian that Patriarch Sima said.

The shop is not big, much smaller than the piano shop opened by Sima Changfeng, but the decoration is extremely elegant, which makes people who enter the shop feel refreshed.

Except for an old man in his early fifties who was cleaning the instrument, there was no one else.

It seems that business is not going well.

Incense is burning in the room, and the faint scent of sandalwood is a smell that most people will like.

Seeing a guest coming in, the old man didn't say hello. He just glanced at her, then at the piano on her back, and then continued to wipe his piano without saying a word.

Sure enough, as Patriarch Baili said, this person has a weird temper.

She walked up to Lao Qian, put the broken string on the table, and asked with a smile, "Excuse me, is this Boss Liu?"

The old man asked without answering, "Your surname?"

She smiled lightly: "My surname is Chu, from Kyoto."

The old man's stern face softened a little, and he said, "Want to continue?"

She nodded: "That's right, Boss Liu, please take care of me."

The old man glanced at her violin on the table again, and muttered: "The strings of this violin are broken. I'm afraid I can buy ten new violins with the same price. Are you willing?"

Rong Yue smiled and said: "Of course I'm willing. Although this piano is not expensive, it has been with me for many years. I have feelings for it. No matter how expensive it is, I am willing."

The old man's face softened a bit, and he nodded towards her: "Young man, you know how to protect the piano, not bad, not bad."

He finally put down the piano in his hand, turned around, went to the counter and took out a bunch of strings: "This is the cheapest string in my store. To be honest, your piano doesn't match it at all, but for you I won’t make any money today, and I’ll renew it for you at the cost price, 50 taels of silver.”

(End of this chapter)

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