Chapter 970 A Crowd of Crowds

Chapter 982

Rong Yue nodded: "Okay, the price is very fair, thank you boss."

As she spoke, she first handed the 50 taels of bank notes to the old man.

The old man waved his hand: "This string hasn't been finished yet. Once the string is finished and you're satisfied, it won't be too late to pay."

Rong Yue suddenly liked this old man a little bit, although he was stubborn, he was a principled person.

The technique of the old man's continuous string is very special, she has never seen it before, it can be seen that Wu Xing's name of Baoxian is not a waste of time.

The violin that the old man had just cleaned was placed aside, and she asked with a smile, "Can I have a look at your violin?"

The old man glanced at her and nodded: "Look."

She took the qin and looked it over carefully. As she expected, this qin is not a particularly expensive qin, it is as common as the qin she usually uses, but the strings are good strings, and the maintenance is very good. How many years did it take.

She casually dialed a few tones, and the timbre was so clear that she didn't expect it.

Seeing that the old man didn't stop her behavior, she boldly played a few more tunes, feeling more and more aroused, so she simply sat up straight and played the piano.

He played a Jiangnan ditty, and the faint melody was particularly elegant in this quiet shop. After listening to a few tones, the old man raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at her with more gentle eyes.

After the song was over, the old man had already finished the strings, and he nodded to her: "You play well, come on, try this." He pushed the piano in his hand in front of her.

She flicked it casually, but the tone was completely different from that of the piano just now. Playing the same tune again, there were two completely different flavors.

The old man kept nodding, stroked the beard on his chin and said with a smile: "Boy, there are two tricks."

Seeing that the old man smiled, she knew the time was ripe, so she also smiled and said: "I don't know if this song will work in tomorrow's piano competition. I have prepared another song. Do you want to listen to it?"

The old man's expression changed immediately when he heard about the piano competition. He frowned and said, "What's the point of participating in the competition held by the Sima family? It's a bunch of rabble. I advise you not to participate."

Rong Yue smiled and said: "I'm not a person who strives for merit, but the first prize in this year's piano competition is really attractive, so I came here from Kyoto."

The old man raised his eyebrows, "Oh? What's the prize?"

She smiled mysteriously, and said in a low voice: "I heard that it is a golden Lang Baoqin handed down from ancient times."

The old man looked disbelieving: "How is this possible? The Jinlang Baoqin is the treasure of the Sima family, how could it be given as a prize?"

Rong Yuedao: "I didn't believe it before, but later I heard that Patriarch Sima felt that the Jinlang Baoqin would not be able to display its precious characteristics if it stayed in Sima's family, so he took this opportunity to invite all the people in the world to understand the piano and be good at it." Talented people, learn the art of playing the piano together, and the one who wins the first place will win the Baoqin."

Seeing that the old man still didn't quite believe it, she lowered her voice again: "Actually, there is another theory, I don't know if it's credible or not."

The old man became curious and quickly asked, "What's the explanation? Let's hear it."

Rong Yue hurriedly said: "Master Sima Zhang also participated in this piano competition. Some people say that Patriarch Sima did it on purpose. Let Mr. Sima win the first place in the end, so that the goal is achieved, and Baoqin can continue to stay in Sima's house, I don't know if it is true."

After hearing this, the old man raised his eyebrows and said angrily, "Do you even need to think about it? That's the purpose. I didn't expect, Sima Haolin, you still have the same virtue after 20 years, and you haven't changed at all."

(End of this chapter)

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