Chapter 972
Chapter 984

She nodded quickly: "I will do my best, don't worry."

The last round is to fight the piano, and the Sima Patriarch appoints an opponent to fight the piano.

Sima Changfeng, who had been vacant for two rounds, reappeared, and he naturally sat opposite to Qi Rongyue.

Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows: "Are you going to fight?"

Sima Changfeng smiled and said, "I know I will lose, but I will still do my best, so don't underestimate me."

Rong Yue smiled lightly: "I never underestimated you, it's just your hand, is that okay?"

He shook his palms and nodded: "It's okay, it's healed." In order not to let himself lose too badly, he specially asked a doctor to give acupuncture to his injured arm, and temporarily sealed the acupuncture points on his arm to make him feel uncomfortable. Only in this way can he display his full strength and not let Chu Yu underestimate him.

Douqin is not as simple as you play one piece and I play another, but one person plays the piece first, and the other person harmonizes. If the harmony can overwhelm the main piece, it will win; if it cannot cover the main piece, the other person will play again Play the main song, the opponent and the tone.

This game was played by Rongyue first, a song of cold river snow, the rhythm is bright and clear, and those who hear the sound can't help but see snow scenes in their minds, the snow is decorated with red plums, and there are even beauties dancing.

Sima Changfeng plucked the strings and chords, the melody was bright with a little sadness, just like his state of mind at this moment.

No matter what the final result is, he will leave Dongjun, and maybe he will never come back in this life.

Patriarch Sima thought that with his son's piano skills, not to mention overshadowing the main song with harmony, or even failing to match the harmony, he was already prepared to lose face.

But who would have thought that his son was able to keep up with it steadily, and there was no sense of dissonance between the main song and the chord, but the control over the pitch conversion was still a bit weaker, and he couldn't hold down the main song, but he was very pleasantly surprised.

At the end of the song, Chu Yu won a small victory, but Sima Changfeng still had a chance. This time, Sima Changfeng played the main song.

A song "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix" tells the heart.

This song has been played by Rongyue and has also been adapted. After three tunes, it refers to it in general. With her unique tune, it directly overwhelms the melancholy in Feng Qiuhuang's original song, making the tune more lingering and euphemistic. Even more ups and downs.

After Sima Changfeng played three verses, the tune suddenly changed. The passionate tune contained his deep emotions, and he felt an urge to break through the trap and do everything in pursuit of happiness.

Rong Yue also changed the tune immediately, and her deep and long tuning overwhelmed the original song, enveloping the scattered emotions, and reversed the chord, forcefully suppressing the original song until the end of the song.

In terms of skills, Rongyue is obviously better than Sima Changfeng by more than a fraction, but in terms of today's song, Sima Changfeng's affectionate playing is also very good, and even Patriarch Sima is fascinated by it, but In the end, he was still overwhelmed by Rongyue's strong harmony.

This may be the best ending, the most honorable ending.

After hearing Chu Yu's chords, Patriarch Sima suddenly understood that Chu Yu could make Changfeng follow the rhythm and complete the chords of the whole song, which was to save face for the Sima family.

Old man Liu walked out of the crowd clapping his hands, and said to Patriarch Sima: "I don't care about others, I'll just ask you, just now, who is higher and who is lower?"

Patriarch Sima smiled lightly, and said frankly: "Naturally, Princess Chu is superior in skill, and everyone present has heard of it."

Old man Liu was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect Patriarch Sima to admit so readily, and it seemed that none of the words he had planned to respond to could be used.

(End of this chapter)

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