Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 973 Returning empty-handed

Chapter 973 Returning empty-handed
Chapter 985

He took a deep look at Patriarch Sima, and nodded: "I hope you mean what you say, I will keep watching here today to see if you can play tricks."

Old man Liu is also a man of his word, he said he has been here all the time, and indeed he has been here all the time, watching the first round of fighting until the final announcement of the result.

Old man Liu looked nervously at Patriarch Sima who walked out from the inside. He was holding a piece of red paper with his name written on it. Whoever's name was written on it would be No.1 in today's piano competition, and he would get the Golden Lang Baoqin.

Patriarch Sima didn't give a shit, he just unfolded the red paper and showed it to everyone. The four big characters written in gold ink on it shone in front of everyone's eyes.

"Kyoto Chuyu, won this first time in this piano fighting competition, follow me in later to win the lottery, and the rest of you will each receive a piano made by me."

There was bursts of jubilation in the arena, they thought that after losing, they would return empty-handed, but they didn't expect that they would also have a lottery, which was an unexpected joy.

Rong Yue returned the Qin to Uncle Liu with her own hands, and asked in a low voice: "Uncle Liu, this golden Langbao Qin has only the body and no strings. I'll take it later, can you please help me re-string it?"

Old man Liu also wanted to see the elegance of Baoqin, and Rong Yue's question was exactly what he wanted, so he nodded immediately: "Okay, I'll wait for you here, come out after you get the piano, let's go back together."

The head of the Sima family led her to the warehouse, and delivered the Baoqin on the table to her personally: "This is the Jinlang Baoqin. Although the body of the Qin is ordinary, once it is played, it will emit bursts of fragrance. Chin out, clear your mind and calm your mind."

Rong Yue was overjoyed, she carried the Baoqin firmly on her back, and saluted Patriarch Sima: "The Patriarch's righteousness, Chu Yu will always remember it in his heart."

Patriarch Sima waved his hand: "Needless to say these things, we can be regarded as friends on the piano road. If I go to the capital in the future, you have to entertain me."

She smiled and said: "If the owner of the family goes to the capital, I will definitely do my best." She glanced at Baoqin again and said: "This Qin is the treasure of the Sima family. return."

Patriarch Sima waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, you have a destiny with this qin, since I gave it to you today, it's yours and you don't have to return it."

"As the saying goes, a good horse deserves a good saddle, and a good violin must match a good master. Although you are young, you are not inferior to me, an old man who has been playing the violin all his life. This violin is in your hands. Only then can it truly display its brilliance, instead of being kept in the dark for a long time in this warehouse."

The two walked out of the warehouse, Sima Changfeng was waiting outside, his face was slightly pale, but there was a smile on his face.

Rong Yue noticed that his hand, the broken hand, seemed to be shaking slightly.

As a doctor, she naturally knew that such trembling was unusual and a sign of something bad.

She stepped forward quickly, grabbed Sima Changfeng's arm, squeezed it, and immediately found that his arm hadn't healed. Playing the piano in such a situation must be painful.

But just now, there was no trace of pain on his face.

Is it—

Her complexion changed slightly, and she asked Sima Changfeng, "You didn't ask the doctor to seal the acupuncture points on your arm before the competition, did you?"

Sima Changfeng was slightly surprised: "How do you know? I didn't tell anyone?"

How could she know that the acupuncture point on his arm was sealed just now by pinching it twice like this?
(End of this chapter)

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