Chapter 976
Chapter 988

She was reluctant to be separated from Sister Chu, and ran after the carriage for a long time, until the servants of the mansion caught up with her and stopped her. Come to Kyoto to find you."

I don't know if Sister Chu heard it, but she made up her mind in her heart that when she grew up, she would go to the capital to visit Sister Chu no matter what.

For Rongyue, pulling Ying'er was just a small effort, and it was an extremely inconspicuous thing among the many good deeds she had done, but for Yu Ying'er, it was like a newborn life.

He rode with a whip and rode quickly, passing through the street in Dongjun city.

"Isn't that our son?"

"Yeah, where is he going in such a hurry?"

Ying'er looked at the disappearing figure, and said with a smile: "Brother Changfeng must have sent Sister Chu off, why is he so late? I don't know if he can catch up."

The servant at the side said: "Young Master was drunk again yesterday, it's too early to wake up now."


He rode out of the city and chased for tens of miles before stopping Chu Yu's carriage.

Liang'er got out of the car, saw that it was Sima Changfeng, and said with a smile, "Mr. Sima, why are you here?"

"Where's your lady?" Sima Changfeng frowned, his face flushed, probably because he was riding a horse fast. . .

Liang'er smiled and said: "Did I say the princess? She is inside." Liang'er turned around, and the princess had already bent over and got out of the carriage.

She stood on the car, looked at Sima Changfeng with a flushed face, and smiled as calmly as ever: "I went to the mansion just now, Madam said you were hungover and didn't believe it, so you didn't go to say goodbye in person."

Sima Changfeng stared into her eyes and asked word by word, "Are we still friends?"

She smiled: "Of course, we have always been friends."

"If I go to Kyoto, would you like to see me again?"

She nodded: "Of course, since we are friends, why don't you want to see him?" Seeing him smile, she said again: "Brother Sima, a little wine will make you happy, but a big drink will hurt your body. Don't get drunk again in the future."

He looked at the woman standing under the sun with a warm smile, and he knew that he would never find a woman who was better than her and could make his heart move more than her in his life.

Wishing to meet again when he was not married, he felt the sadness and heartache of the person who wrote this sentence at this moment.

The carriage left in the dust, gradually disappeared, and the capital was in turmoil. He only hoped that her life would be safe, if there was a time to meet again, if there was a time to meet again——


It is said that after Zheng Zhongwen and Tianhu left Lihua Valley, after many inquiries, they learned that Luoxiu City had rebelled, and they led [-] elite soldiers all the way northward, going down several cities, and approaching the capital.

They rushed to Xifeng Mountain immediately, and the [-] black cavalry troops who had been hidden in Xifeng Mountain were summoned again. Zheng Zhongwen then mobilized another [-] elite soldiers stationed in Xijiang, and rushed to Kyoto to escort them.

They were very anxious along the way. Kyoto was not only the capital of the Chu Dynasty, not only the emperor was there, but also their family members. The people they wanted to protect the most were all in Kyoto.

In Kyoto, absolutely no mistakes can be made.

Both of them have very rich experience in marching, and they took shortcuts along the way, trying to avoid cities, avoiding many unnecessary troubles, and shortening the time for the road to Kyoto.

November in the Northern Territory is already the season of heavy snow. Dijin City, which is only three hundred miles away from Kyoto, has been occupied by the army of Luoxiu City. Immediately, like a living corpse, he was slaughtered by others, and no one was spared.

(End of this chapter)

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