Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 977 Burning, Killing and Looting

Chapter 977 Burning, Killing and Looting
Chapter 989

Standing on the tower of Luoxiu City, he watched his soldiers burn, kill and loot in the city, while the common people could only trample on the corpses of the defenders and fled around. He was very proud. The feeling of life and death is really good.

Standing beside Luoxiu City was a 25-year-old young man, dressed in a lake blue brocade padded gown, wearing black-faced asparagus bamboo cotton boots, with his hands hidden in his sleeves, his handsome face was full of displeasure.

"My lord, have you ever thought about the consequences of allowing your subordinates to burn, kill and loot the city so much?"

Luo Xiucheng raised his eyebrows: "Consequences? What consequences? Now that half of the Chu Dynasty is in my hands, I can do whatever I want. What consequences can there be?"

Yuan Dao glanced sideways at the tyrannical Luo Xiucheng, and said in a low voice: "I, Yuan Dao, am not a politician, and I don't want to be an official, but I also understand a truth, whoever wins the hearts of the people wins the world, you are so cruel and cruel, let the world How do people obey you? How should you sit on the throne?"

Luo Xiucheng frowned, with a fierce gleam in his eyes, and his whole body was full of murderous intent: "Yuan Dao, don't forget your identity, what this king wants to do, you don't need to make irresponsible remarks, hum!" He Turning his head, he looked at the crying and fleeing people in the city, and sneered, "How can these untouchables, who have no power to restrain them, pose a threat to the great cause of this king's unification?"

Yuan Dao shook his head and said no more, it would undoubtedly be a waste of time to talk to him: "My lord, just don't forget what you promised me."

Luo Xiucheng snorted: "Aren't you just the eldest princess who wants to be buried in the imperial mausoleum? When this king ascends the throne of God, not to mention the eldest princess, if you want her father, mother, or grandma, this king can give it to you." .”

Yuan Dao frowned, with a cold look on his face: "My lord, the dead are the greatest, please pay attention to your morals."

Luo Xiucheng was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, if it was not useful to keep him, just based on what he said just now, according to his temper, he really wanted to cut him with a sword.

Luo Xiucheng turned around and went down the tower, leaving Yuandao standing alone in the wind and snow. He looked at the messy corpses all over the city, and felt a trace of sadness in his heart.

Will Tian Yu blame him for his evil deeds?

But if he didn't do it, he would never be able to enter the imperial mausoleum and stay with her forever.

Tianyu, Tianyu, the girl who made him miss his whole life, why don't you wait for me, don't wait for me.

The upright figure standing in the wind and snow was slightly bent, the snow on his shoulders slipped, his slender hands held onto the railing on the tower, he coughed violently, blood-colored flowers bloomed in the pure white snow .

He has an incurable disease and will die soon. His only wish is to go to the imperial mausoleum and lie beside Tian Yu.

Only in this way can he die with peace of mind and get the chance to meet her again in his next life.

Hope to have a next life, must have a next life.

Luoxiu City led troops to plunder Dijin City for three days, and got enough food and warm clothes. The whole Dijin City seemed to be turned into a hell on earth. The men who resisted were brutally killed, and the old people and children were driven out of their homes. Frozen and starved in the snow, those who can survive may survive, but those who cannot survive will die.

Women and girls were brutally ravaged, life would be better than death!
At the same time, the army led by Zheng Zhongwen and Tianhu was taking a small road to Dilu City, but when they arrived at Dijin City, they were still one step too late.

(End of this chapter)

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