Chapter 978 Rebels
Chapter 990

The tragic scene in the city was unbearable to look at directly. The soldiers saw the suffering of the common people, and at the same time felt sad and excited, they also had the desire to kill the rebels.

Zhongwen left a thousand soldiers to deal with the funeral of Dijin City, and together with Tianhu and the rest, he rushed to Kyoto immediately.

They must not let the same disaster happen to Kyoto.

On the ninth day of November, Chu Palace.

"Your Majesty, the rebel army is still a hundred miles away from the capital."

"Your Majesty, the rebel army is still fifty miles away from the capital."

"Your Majesty, it's time to make an order. No matter how late it is, there's no rush."

Chu Tianqi gritted his teeth in hatred. The rebel army marched northward from the western border. He sent troops to attack the rebels more than once, but each time ended in failure. The opponent only had 20 soldiers, but they had [-] or even [-] troops. , the magic sound that can make people lose their souls seems to be an invincible demon.

Fu Hu said: "Your Majesty, I would like to lead the troops out of the city to fight, and vow to take Luoxiu City to the death."

Chu Tianqi raised his eyes and looked at the gray sky outside the hall. He had been waiting, waiting for the imperial sister to come back with the golden Lang Baoqin and help him to solve the difficulties in the capital.

But there is still no news of Huang Jie, and I don't know where she is at this time, and whether she is safe or not.

Withdrawing his gaze, he seemed to have made a decision, and said loudly: "Fuhu listens to the order, I order you to lead the three thousand city defense elite guards and two thousand feather forest elite guards out of the city to fight."

Five thousand soldiers against thirty thousand soldiers seems to be a losing game, but right now, if you don't fight, are you still sitting and waiting to die?
Fu Hu took the order to go, and ordered troops out of the city immediately. As soon as five thousand soldiers and horses left the city gate, they saw the Luo family's army coming on the snow from a distance, shouting to fight and kill.

Fu Hu said in a loud voice: "Brothers, if you don't want our relatives to die at the hands of these beasts, take up the weapons in your hands and fight for our family and for the Chu Dynasty, fight a bloody road, okay?"

Whether it is the defense of the three thousand cities or the guards of the two thousand feather forests, they have undergone long-term and precise training, and because they are at the feet of the emperor, the military discipline management is very strict. A mob that makes up the numbers.

Although the opponent has [-] people, they have a strong blood and a passion to protect their country, so they may not really lose.

Everyone took cotton and stuffed it into their ears, hoping to resist the magic sound in this way.

The Luo family's army rushed in, but the ones leading the battle were not those so-called elite soldiers, but a carriage with an empty roof. The walls of the carriage were made of fine iron and there was no cover on the top. Yuan Dao sat in the carriage and played the piano. The magic sound came out of the iron barrel-like carriage, and it was louder and could spread farther.

At this point, everyone realized that those weak cotton could not resist the ear-piercing magic sound at all.

Fu Hu rushed to the front, he could feel the power of the magic sound the most, but he was also the most determined person in the whole army, he gritted his teeth and stood up, turned his head and shouted at Jingwei behind him: "Are you afraid?"

The general's roar revived the sanity of the guards who were about to lose their minds, and they shouted in unison: "Don't be afraid!"

"Good job, brother, rush with me, rush up, and dismantle this iron car that is pretending to be a ghost."

He took the lead, and the Jingwei behind him rushed forward bravely, towards the iron cart, towards the haunting magic sound that continuously spread.

However, before they approached, the tone of the magic voice changed sharply, and there were bursts of sharp tunings that seemed to pierce human eardrums.

(End of this chapter)

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