Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 980 The Inexplicable Piano Sound

Chapter 980 The Inexplicable Piano Sound

Chapter 992

What comes with the wind is not only the sound of the zither, but also wisps of strange fragrance. The strange fragrance penetrates into everyone's nostrils, and immediately a burst of coolness pours in, making the sluggish and chaotic thoughts clear immediately.

Tianhu and Zhongwen also got rid of the control of the magic sound. They looked at each other with great joy, and were about to charge with their knives, but the sound of the piano in the carriage changed leisurely, becoming harsher and more uncomfortable than before.

The sanity they had just recovered became chaotic again amidst the ear-piercing magic sound.

The sound of the piano and the strange fragrance that came from the distant sky, after disappearing for a while, played again, and still accurately deciphered the melody of the magic sound, making the magic sound invalid, and at the same time brought a sense of recovery. Fragrance.

Luo Xiucheng's complexion changed drastically, and he shouted at the lieutenant beside him angrily: "What are you still doing? Hurry up and look for it."

The lieutenant general had a masked face: "Looking for, what are you looking for?"

Luo Xiucheng said angrily: "Find out where this inexplicable piano sound comes from, no matter who it is, kill without mercy."

The lieutenant general took the order, and quickly led a hundred elite soldiers to search for the sound. After searching for a long time, he finally found the person on a small hillside. It was a woman in plain clothes. The introduction of the strange fragrance was originally because it occupied this outlet.

The lieutenant ordered to climb up the hillside and kill the woman playing the piano.

Liang'er was surprised: "Princess, they are going to climb up, what should I do?"

Rong Yue didn't stop between her fingers, and said softly: "Use the medicinal powder I just gave you, and sprinkle it on when they gather together."

Feeling at ease, Liang'er quickly poured out a handful of medicinal powder from the bottle, seeing dozens of people climbing at the same time, she waved her hands to scatter.

The medicinal powder was scattered with the wind, and all of them were sucked into the mouth and nose by those powder guards.

"What's this smell? Have you smelled it?" a Jingwei asked the people around him.

The man opened his mouth and was about to speak, but he yawned, and then he let go of the hand holding the slope wall, and the whole person fell backwards, and the people below also fell powerlessly, and they all fell into the snow, whistling deep sleep.

Liang'er ran to the other side and did the same thing, knocking down dozens of people again with a handful of powder.

"Grandma, brat, do you dare to cheat?"

At this time, there were only a few people left on the slope, Liangtou was armed with kung fu, and he was in a position of advantage, he no longer panicked, and said with a smile: "I cheated, what's the matter? Come up if you have the ability!"

At this time, the piano music in the iron car changed again, Rong Yue frowned. She had heard this song before, and it was Yuan Dao who played the magic sound to her for the first time. With strong self-control and tenacity, he was not deceived by the magic sound, and finally escaped from his palm.

Unexpectedly, today, he played this song again. Was it intentional or unintentional?

Because she is very familiar with this song, she did not pause as before, and immediately found out the loopholes in the song and solved them.

Halfway through the song, the magic sound in the iron carriage stopped suddenly, and a tall figure stepped out of the carriage.

Luo Xiucheng shouted: "Yuan Dao, what are you doing? Why did you stop?"

Yuan Dao ignored him, and jumped off the carriage, looking for the ethereal piano sound, with a hasty look on his face and surprise in his eyes.

But at this time, the magic sound dissipated, the black cavalry army's combat power recovered, and the sound of shouting and killing was endless. The blood stained the entire snow field red, and the crouching tiger on the other end also regained consciousness. and shouted to the brothers: "Kill, kill these beasts, and don't let a single one stay."

(End of this chapter)

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