Chapter 981 I am Chu Yue
Chapter 993

The Luo family's army was attacked from both sides. Without the help of the magic voice, they, a group of mobs who had never received rigorous training, were defeated immediately. It was full of evil spirits, and in today's battle, there was an air of hatred and killing. No matter how the Luo family army is an opponent, they are almost powerless to fight back.

Luo Xiucheng was dumbfounded, he panicked, and wanted to call Yuandao back, but the guy disappeared, out of [-] elite guards, in the blink of an eye, there were only over ten thousand left, with corpses strewn all over the place, blood flowing like rivers.

He thought of running away, but there was nowhere to go.

On the other side, Yuan Dao came to the hillside, looked up at the woman on the hillside, and the woman also looked at him, her eyes were full of hatred.

Different eyes, same expression.

Tianyu also looked at him with such eyes before.

"Tianyu, is that you?" His voice trembled slightly, his eyes were begging, don't deny it, please don't deny it.

Rong Yue shook her head: "You have mistaken the person, I am Chu Yue."

She got up and stood on the hillside, looking down at Yuan Dao who was both unfamiliar and familiar: "Why do you help Luoxiu City to do evil?"

Yuan Dao looked at her, looked at her eyes, listened to her unhurried words, and felt the heavenly demeanor faintly exuding from her, he was ecstatic: "You are Tian Yu, you are Tian Yu, a People can easily change their appearance and voice, but her inner self will not change, her temperament, knowledge, habits of gestures, these will not change, don't lie to me again, you are Tianyu, you are not dead, that's great , It’s really great that you didn’t die.”

Rong Yue frowned. She and Yuan Dao hadn't known each other very long and hadn't met many times. How could he tell from her short words that she was Tian Yu?

Yuan Dao said again: "Tianyu, you may find it strange why I can recognize you at a glance, because you have always, always lived in my heart, your every frown and smile, every word you said to me Words, every single word, I have never forgotten, never, I imagine every day, if there is an afterlife, what will you look like in the afterlife?"

"But I believe that no matter how your appearance changes, I can recognize you at a glance, and I will definitely find you."

Rong Yue said: "I think you are crazy. How can a dead person come back to life? Yuan Dao, do you know how big a mistake you made?"

Yuan Dao shook his head: "I don't know, I don't know anything, all I know is that I must be with you, not in the same bed in life, but also in the same acupuncture point in death."

She felt a chill, and goosebumps all over her body. What does he mean by this?Planning to dig her grave in the imperial mausoleum after helping Luoxiu City conquer the Chu Dynasty?

"You are hopeless, I feel sick even talking to you." She shook her head, turned and walked away, not wanting to see that disgusting face that thought she was affectionate again.

Yuan Dao doesn't care, he doesn't care at all, doesn't care what she looks like now, doesn't care if she hates him or even hates her, he just wants to be with her, life and death.

He lifted up his robe and was about to climb up the hill when the lieutenant galloped up and grabbed his arm: "Hurry up, go play the piano, the army can't stand it anymore."

Yuan Dao pushed the lieutenant away, and said coldly: "I won't play anymore, I have found what I was looking for."

The lieutenant was furious, he swung his sword and slashed at him: "If you don't shoot, then go die."

(End of this chapter)

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