Chapter 983 Imprisonment
Chapter 995

Zhongwen panicked more and more, he hurriedly asked: "What's going on? Tell me quickly."

"It's him, it's Yuan Dao who can play the magic sound, he, he—" Liang'er was anxious for a moment, couldn't catch her breath, and passed out again.

Zhongwen rushed towards the hill like crazy, there were obvious signs of trembling on the slope, messy footprints, and freshly congealed blood.

Tianhu also rushed over, and he comforted him: "Brother, don't worry, he just left not long ago, and he will definitely catch up."

Zhongwen slapped himself hard in anxiety: "Why didn't I find her earlier, why didn't I come here sooner, I—" He held his painful chest, the chest still hurts, she is still alive, she is still alive, That's good.

Thousands of black cavalry troops searched in all directions around the hillside, leaving every inch of land.

However, Yuan Dao and Rong Yue seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find any clues.

When Rong Yue woke up, she found that she was in a cave with her hands and feet bound, and a bonfire was burning beside her, with delicious rabbit meat roasting on it.

And Yuan Dao sat beside her.

She tried her best to break free from the ropes that bound her hands and feet, but found that the more she tried to break free, the tighter the ropes became.

This is the method of tying the strings of the piano, and he actually used it on her.

Yuan Dao stopped turning Roasted Rabbit's hand, turned sideways and loosened the ropes on her hands and feet by two points, so as not to strangle her.

"Although you move around, be careful to hurt yourself, I will feel bad."

Looking at that extremely gentle face, she just wanted to vomit, why didn't she realize that Yuan Dao was not just paranoid, he was also perverted.

"What do you want?" she asked.

He smiled brilliantly, his originally sickly pale face was flushed under the light of the fire.

"I just want to be with you. You should be mine. Although it's been a few years late, you finally returned to my side. Tianyu, will you marry me?"

"I said before, I'm not Tian Yu, you've got the wrong person." She turned her face away, not wanting to see his disgusting tenderness again.

"You are Tianyu, you can't fool me."

She was silent for a while, and then said: "If you really like me, you should let me live a happy life instead of tying me up and imprisoning me like now."

He looked helpless: "If you don't want to escape from time to time, how can I tie you up? Tianyu, promise me, will you marry me?"

"You should die. Even if I die, I will not marry you." Her face was as stubborn as before.

This is the girl he likes, everything about her, her stubbornness, her arrogance.

"You'll agree, sooner or later!"


When Zhong Wen returned to the city, he went to Wan Mansion immediately. Jian Yun had a big belly, and he couldn't move very much. Seeing Zhong Wen came back, he propped himself up on the bed and wanted to get off the ground.

Zhongwen rushed forward, grabbed Jian Yun's wrist, and said anxiously: "Master, don't move around, be careful to move your fetus."

Jian Yun was stunned: "You call me master?" Since Zhong Wen came back from the dead, he never called her master again. He forgot everything he and her experienced in Mobei, and only regarded her as Rong Yue's loved ones to treat.

Zhongwen smiled wryly: "Master, I remember everything, I remember everything."

Jian Yun was stunned, no wonder, and then he was full of doubts. He lost his memory because his heart was pierced by a sharp knife, and then he was revived by the Jiaozhu, so he lost his memory.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for him to recover his memory in his life, unless he experienced the same serious injury again and survived by luck.

(End of this chapter)

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