Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 984 Not the original Tianyu

Chapter 984 Not the original Tianyu

Chapter 996

Zhong Wen said: "Master, Rong Yue was kidnapped by Yuan Dao."

Jian Yun was shocked, and felt uncomfortable in her stomach. She endured it and asked, "What's going on? What's going on here?"

Zhong Wen shook his head: "I don't know either, I only know that Yuan Dao hurt Liang'er and took away Rong Yue, master, tell me honestly, did you take Rong Yue to Xijiang back then and met him there? Yuandao?"

Just as Jian Yun was about to nod, she was surprised again: "You, you know?" It was Tian Yu who took her apprentice to Xijiang.

Zhongwen nodded: "I see, these are not important now, I just want to know why Yuandao wanted to rob Rongyue, and what is the entanglement between him and Rongyue?"

Jian Yun sighed: "I'm also to blame for this. At the beginning, Yuandao was hunted down by his enemies and was seriously injured. I met him by chance while collecting herbs, so I rescued him and let Tianyu take care of him for a while. , He actually had a wrong heart for Tianyu, and when I was not in the inn one day, he tried to control Tianyu's mind with the magic sound, and took her away."

"It's also fortunate that Tian Yu was determined at the time, and Yuan Dao's magic sound skills were not yet mature. He failed, and I don't know what happened later. I went to him to settle the score, but I couldn't find him. , Tianyu and I left Xijiang, and we never saw each other again."

So, Yuan Dao adored Tian Yu wholeheartedly, that's why he took her away?
"But today's Tianyu is not the same Tianyu as before, why did he recognize her at a glance?" He was puzzled.

Jian Yun said: "Is it because of the sound of the piano? When Yuan Dao's injury was getting better, the two used the piano to meet each other and called each other Qin Dao's confidant, but Yuan Dao suddenly changed later."

Zhong Wen nodded: "I see, master, take good care of your baby, and I will definitely get Rong Yue back."

"Master believes in you. Rongyue is also a smart child. She will definitely leave some clues for you." Holding her huge belly, she was filled with worries. Now that she looks like this, she really can't do anything.

After Zhongwen left Wanfu, he immediately sent a message to keep an eye on all the cloth shops in the city. Anyone who bought red silk or wedding clothes should be watched closely, and no one should be let go.

Since Na Yuandao was so obsessed with Tian Yu, he would definitely try to force Tian Yu to marry him. A paranoid person like him would definitely not do things hastily, at least he would have a wedding.

Since he can't find it, he will keep it.


"Where is this place? What are you going to do?" She was locked in a room. The room was burning with charcoal, but it was not cold, but it was surrounded by wilderness. She couldn't tell the direction at all, and was dragged by him all the way. Come.

Yuan Dao said with a smile: "You must have never been here before. After crossing this mountain, the other side is the imperial tomb. I thought you were sleeping in it, so I planned to go in to accompany you, but the imperial tomb is not just for you. , I built this house in this forest, observing the situation in the imperial tomb, hoping to find an opportunity."

"It's a pity that no matter how hard I try, I can't enter the imperial mausoleum." He shook his head and sighed, but his eyes were full of joy: "It's a good thing I didn't go in, otherwise, I would never have met you again."

She felt so disgusted. The man in front of her had not only missed her, but also her dead body. . .

"Yuan Dao, you know that I won't marry you, why do you force me like this? How can a twisted melon be sweet?"

(End of this chapter)

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