Chapter 985 The Rare Treasure

Chapter 997

Yuan Dao's hand stroked her face, gently and softly, as if stroking a rare treasure.

She turned her face away, eyes full of disgust: "Don't touch me."

Yuan Dao chuckled: "I'm not in a hurry, we'll be together for a while, and you'll fall in love with me eventually."

some days?
She was a little surprised that he said they would be together for a while, not that they would always be together.

Thinking of hearing Yuandao's violent coughing and the pale face after the coughing, she realized one thing.

"You are sick?"

He nodded: "I am sick and lovesick, but now I am cured, and you have returned to my side."

"I mean, is your body sick, terminally ill?" she asked.

He stared at her eyes, was silent for a few breaths, and then nodded: "Yes, I have a terminal illness, so I want to spend the rest of my time doing what I want to do most. The reason why I am willing to be like Luoxiu City Allied with your demons, simply because my time is numbered and I want to be with you, in life or in death."

"So, before you die, you have to kill me first, so that you can really achieve your goal, right?"

He frowned, remained silent, took one last look at her, turned and walked out, locking the doors and windows outside.

Her hands and feet were bound, her movements were restricted, and it was difficult for her to even get out of bed, let alone escape.

Yuan Dao walked between the mountain roads, and he didn't want to hear Tian Yu's question: "Before you die, do you have to kill me first, so that you can really achieve your goal, right?"

He never thought about this problem, because regaining her joy made him forget all the reality, his life will soon die, and she is still young and healthy.

At that time, will he really kill her with his own hands?
The nearest town is Luoying Town, and he needs to buy some necessities, as well as a piano.

The town is small, but the street market is very lively, with everything that one expects to find.

He bought two quilts, brand new face towels, and a bathtub. . .He didn't stop until he couldn't hold it with both hands.

To start a couple's life with her, there are so many things to buy.

Passing by a cloth shop, he saw two brightly colored women's clothing hanging in the shop, so he went in.

Pointing to the fiery red dress, he asked, "Is this dress a wedding dress?"

The shopkeeper nodded: "Exactly, it's newly made, the most fashionable style at the moment, sir, do you want to order a set?"

He shook his head: "It's too troublesome to order a set, just this set, it doesn't matter if it's bigger or smaller, my wife."

The shopkeeper laughed loudly: "Guest officer, you are a real person, but if this wedding dress doesn't fit well, your wife might be unhappy."

He also laughed, and seemed to be in a really good mood: "She's very easy-going, no, wrap it up for me, and wrap up the other groom's too."

The shopkeeper waved his hand: "Guest officer, I'm really sorry, this dress is a model in our store, it is not for sale, you can tell me how tall and fat your wife is, and we will rush to make another set for you, how about it?"

Yuan Dao shook his head: "I want these two sets, is 100 taels enough?" As he spoke, he directly took out a hundred taels of silver bill and threw it on the table.

The shopkeeper was taken aback for a moment, then smiled happily, and nodded again and again: "Enough, enough, just wait, I'll wrap it up for you right now."

Since it is open for business, there is nothing that cannot be sold, it is just a matter of whether the price is suitable.

(End of this chapter)

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