Chapter 986 Traces
Chapter 998

Yuan Dao took out another 100 taels, and said to the shopkeeper, "Hi Gai, red silk and other things should be ready."

The shopkeeper was very happy. Adding up all these things didn’t cost 100 taels of silver. Now he gave 200 taels, like pie falling from the sky.

It's easy to do things with money, and after a while, the shopkeeper packed all the things. He tied the bag around his body, picked up a lot of daily necessities, turned around and walked out of the cloth shop, feeling very happy. While shopping, I bought a pair of the thickest and longest red candles and a string of firecrackers.

When he returned to the hut in the woods, it was already afternoon, he happily put the things in his hand in the yard, and rushed into the room with the red silk of the wedding dress.

"Look, Tianyu, I'll buy it for you—" the voice cut off, and he looked at the scattered ropes on the ground and the blood soaked on them.

The breaks of the rope were full of burrs and uneven, the edge of the table in the room had obvious traces of being rubbed vigorously, and the blood stains on the ground were not yet dry.

She would rather hurt herself than run away from him. Is he really so annoying to her?

He dropped the things in his hands and turned around to leave the wooden house. The snow in the forest was thick and ferocious beasts often haunted her. There was a bloody smell on her body. In this barren winter, the smell of blood would drive the beasts hiding in the forest crazy.

He had to find her before she was targeted by the beast.

In the small courtyard, he took a wooden thorn that was used to hunt animals, and quickly ran into the forest, looking for the deep and shallow footprints, and quickly walked through the forest.

The wooden house was built in the center of the forest, making it easy to hide. Because of this, there is no normal path leading to the wooden house from the bottom of the mountain. Tian Yu is likely to get lost in the forest while running in a panic. Only then did he go further and further away, and entered a restricted area that he never dared to enter.

In this restricted area, there are often creepy howls of evil beasts.

The footprints clearly extended into the restricted area.

He was flustered, and his steps became faster and faster. There seemed to be a sound in front of him. He looked for the sound and saw Tian Yu fighting two snow wolves with a wooden stick in his hand.

The two snow wolves are not too big, they should be young wolves who have not yet grown up.

The habit of wolves is to live in packs, especially cubs, they are not likely to leave the pack before they reach adulthood. What does this prove?
It proves that there must be a pack of wolves around here. As long as the two little wolves howl, the adult wolves will rush over immediately.

Tian Yu was probably too tired, just dealing with two little wolves, she was tired of coping, he didn't think much, and rushed forward quickly, the wooden thorn in his hand stabbed one of the little wolves ruthlessly.

The other little wolf saw an extra helper and killed its companion. The wolf's eyes were blood red immediately, but it didn't attack again. Instead, it backed up a few steps, raised its neck and howled.

Yuan Dao grabbed Tian Yu's wrist: "Hurry up, the wolves are coming."

He pulled her and ran wildly in the snow, and there were high and low howling wolves behind him.

Rong Yue glanced back and saw dozens of burly adult snow wolves chasing after them. She knew how terrible it would be to encounter wolves in the winter when food was scarce. Although she was very tired, she still Run forward with all your strength.

But after all, they had two legs and were not familiar with the road, so they were quickly overtaken by the four-legged snow wolves who were as light as swallows.

A dozen strong snow wolves surrounded them.

(End of this chapter)

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