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Chapter 204 What did you do to her?

Chapter 204 What did you do to her?
After the man patted Wei Ya on the shoulder, Wei Ya also turned her head in doubt.

I don't know what the man said, the surveillance here can't hear the sound.

But Xiao Xi'er can still see the flames of war in Wei Ya's eyes?Soon Wei Ya followed the man in the hood.

Until Wei Ya walked out of the monitoring area, and then Wei Ya's figure appeared on the surveillance video next door.

As Wei Ya's figure flashed past in every surveillance video, Xiao Xi'er and Jin Jin would carefully watch every inadvertent detail.

In the end, Wei Ya followed the man in the hoodie and got off the elevator.

Soon the surveillance video was switched to the scene in the elevator.But in the elevator, the whole painting style seems to have changed suddenly. Besides Wei Ya and the boy in the hoodie, there are two people in the elevator, but those two people are quite normal.The abnormal thing is that Wei Ya's state began to go wrong as soon as she entered the elevator.

I saw Wei Ya slightly leaning on the man in the hood, her eyes were a little blurred, or rather, a little delirious.

To outsiders, Wei Ya and the boy in the hood looked more like a couple.

Xiao Xier clenched her fist slightly, the man in the hood must have done something to Wei Ya.

The elevator went downstairs quickly, only to see the boy in the hoodie supporting Wei Ya to leave the cultural center.

"Do you want to continue to adjust the previous video?" asked the person who adjusted the surveillance.

"Tune, since that man in the hood appeared!" She wanted to know what that man did to Wei Ya!
While listening, the man had already adjusted the surveillance video to [-]:[-], when the man just appeared beside Wei Ya.

5 minute video.The man in the hood didn't do anything strange, and he didn't come into contact with Via. The only time the man in the hood patted Via on the shoulder.Maybe it was just this, the hooded man's injury concealed some kind of gas-confusing drug.

And the man in the hoodie wearing a mask can explain the problem very well.

"Weiya has been kidnapped! Call the police, yes, call the police." Jinjin's hand holding the phone was trembling slightly.This is clearly a kidnapping case.There was no way she could just sit here and wait for death.And it's been two hours since it happened...

"The efficiency of the police is too slow. We don't know what that person is going to do to Wei Ya now. Whether he wants to sell human organs or abduct women. When the police solve the case, it will be too late!" After all, there are many things that can be done in two hours , Xiao Xier really can't believe what Wei Ya is going to touch!
"I'll help you investigate this matter." Mu Qianshu said.Although his influence is not in j city, it does not mean that he has no influence here.And Suhang, Suhang is the local snake here.

"Okay, I'll go find my elder brother." Xiao Xi'er nodded, she needed anyone's help at this time.

Qian Yuchen's company is nearby, and Xiao Xi'er can find her elder brother, but not her family.Not to mention that Qian Mingze and Lian Yurou are not at home now, but now Xiao Xier is an ordinary person, and she has not been able to rely on her family for the past two years.So those people in this house will not help themselves.

"Then I...I..." First, General Jinjin didn't know what to do before.

"Jinjin, don't be nervous, we will definitely find Wei Ya. Come with me to find my elder brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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