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Chapter 205 The Hooded Man

Chapter 205 The Hooded Man

"Okay." Jinjin nodded.Try to calm down her mood, she is too nervous now, maybe it will affect the progress of finding someone.

"Can you lend us a car and a driver?" Xiao Xi'er looked at the organizer and asked.Although her brother's company is not far away, she can't walk there on foot.Having a car to pick up and drop off naturally saves the most time.They can't afford to waste even a second now.

"Of course no problem. This is a major kidnapping event. Let me be your driver." Let alone a car, this kind of thing happened in an event he held now, and the kidnapped person was invited by him.When it comes to responsibility, he has to pay more than half.Now I just hope that people are safe. As for the cars, it is no problem to borrow twenty.

"Well, let's go! Mu Qianshu, please."

At the same time, a low housing area in the suburbs.The man in the hood had driven two hours to the area.

At this moment, Wei Ya was still in a coma in the car.The two-hour long journey made Wei Ya's complexion very bad.

The man looked around and saw that there was no one around, and quickly carried Wei Ya out of the car.What he gave Wei Ya was the latest scent-type drug.People who smell it can fall asleep for six to twelve hours.Although Wei Ya didn't hear much, she could at least be in a coma for four or five hours.

So the man was not at all worried that Wei Ya would suddenly wake up when he took Wei Ya out.

Carry Wei Ya to a small thatched hut. This house looks like an old building in the 80s and [-]s of the last century. The roof is made of tiles, the floor is still black mud, potholes, and the walls are also boards.When the door opened, there was a "babble--" sound.There was even a musty smell in the room.

Obviously, this house has not been lived in for a long time.But yes, the living standards of modern people have been improved, how can anyone still live in such a house.But despite this, there is only one modern scene in the whole room.It is the innermost bed.

The bed is new and so is the duvet cover.It's just that there are other things on the bed that don't belong on the bed.A pair of handcuffs, iron chains that bound the corners of the bed, and a roll of black duct tape.

"Lan Lan, I will wrong you for the time being. When the limelight passes, I will take you to City A and live in a villa for you." The man said while hugging Wei Ya to the bed.

The man tied Wei Ya's neck with the other end of the iron chain that had tied the foot of the bed. Without a key, the iron chain could never be opened.And the chain was tied to the bed. The bed was made of solid wood and weighed several hundred kilograms. Wei Ya definitely didn't have the strength to pull the bed.

But just in case, the man locked Wei Ya's hands with handcuffs.

After finishing everything, the man also took off his hoodie and the mask on his face.

The man has a muscular figure and dark skin. He is wearing a white vest, but the eight-pack abs can be clearly seen through the vest.This should be the figure that many women like.

There was a long knife scar on the man's face, running across his right cheek, it was five or six centimeters long, and it could scare people at first glance.The scar had obviously been there for some time, the age was about 27 or [-], and the face looked fierce.

Compared with Wei Ya who was in a coma, they were nothing more than big bad wolves and little white rabbits.

(End of this chapter)

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