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Chapter 213 Called Possession

Chapter 213 Called Possession
The two girls that Chu Fengxing was referring to were naturally Xiao Xier and Jinjin who were walking with Wei Ya today.

Wei Ya was taken aback for a moment, she didn't care what happened.This guy actually wants to threaten Yu Xi and Jin Jin?She doesn't doubt what Chu Fengxing said, because he is a lunatic...

"If you want the people around you to be okay, don't come and threaten me with yourself. Got it?"

Although Chu Fengxing's tone was still gentle, it was actually domineering and unreasonable.

Wei Ya has lived for so long, and has never felt so wronged.She is only 17 years old, how can she bear such pain?

The eye sockets were instantly foggy, and the teardrops couldn't hold back in the eyes at once, and rolled down from both cheeks.

"Don't cry, don't cry, my heart will break when you cry." Seeing this situation, Chu Fengxing hurried forward to wipe Wei Ya's tears.

But Wei Ya's tears were like beads with a broken thread, no matter how much she wiped, she couldn't wipe them off.

"I will treat you well, and I will treat you well for the rest of my life. If you really don't like staying in the house, I will let you go out after a few years, and I will take you wherever you want to go." Now Chu Fengxing is It really hurts, so I quickly coaxed him with kind words.

However, if this incident happened a week ago when he kidnapped Wei Ya, with his means, Wei Ya would definitely not be able to escape from his grasp.But now the relationship between Wei Ya and Yu Xi is so good.It is impossible for Chu Fengxing to imprison Wei Ya.

Just as Chu Fengxing finished speaking, the dilapidated door was kicked open from the outside.

The door, lying alone on the ground.There were four or five bodyguards at the door, as well as Xiao Xi'er, Jin Jin and Qian Yuchen.

"You call it possession, it's not love at all. Love is understanding, and it's just wishing for the other person to live well." Xiao Xi'er walked into the room and said coldly.

She listened to some of the conversation between the two just now.Although she has never been in love, she has a certain understanding of love.Like the deformed love of this person in front of her, she didn't think it was beautiful.

More importantly, he made Wei Ya cry.

"Yu, Yuxi..." Wei Ya was a little surprised when she saw Xiao Xier and Jinjin.I didn't expect them to be able to laugh here.

"You use handcuffs on the woman you love? Iron chains? Are you worthy of loving her?" Xiao Xi'er stepped forward, not showing any fear of Chu Fengxing.

"Yu Xi, don't come here, he will kill someone!" Seeing Xiao Xi'er approaching step by step, Wei Ya hurriedly called out.

"Kill him? I'd like to see how he kills me." Not to mention that there are so many people around her at the moment, just because she can self-defense herself, she is not afraid of Chu Fengxing.

Chu Fengxing squinted his eyes slightly. He didn't expect that they would have the ability to find this place.And it only takes such a short time.

"I'm standing here, do you dare to kill?" When she said that, Xiao Xi'er had already stood in front of Chu Fengxing.

"But you don't want to kill yourself." Chu Fengxing also said coldly.He didn't intend to let these people leave alive.Because Wei Ya must be his.

After all, Chu Fengxing punched Xiao Xi'er in the next second.

Xiao Xier came prepared.Of course, his punches couldn't hurt Xiao Xi'er, so he stepped back and easily dodged.

Seeing this, the bodyguards on the side also quickly joined the battle. They were hired with money, and of course they had to play a role at critical moments.

(End of this chapter)

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