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Chapter 214 The Prince of Gang J

Chapter 214 The Prince of Gang J

It's just that four or five bodyguards can't help Chu Fengxing half a point.

It's just that although Chu Fengxing couldn't do anything, he could restrain him.Xiao Xi'er walked to Wei Ya's side, seeing that her clothes were intact, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, she was not late, and Chu Fengxing hadn't had time to do anything to Wei Ya.

"Yu Xi, thank you, thank you. It's a good thing you're here..." Wei Ya couldn't stop her tears, the despair in her heart just now made her want to die.She didn't expect Yuxi to find herself so soon.Weeping with joy, she had never felt so lucky.

"I'll help you untie these chains." Xiao Xi'er took out a thin wire from her bag.I learned to unlock it with a wire in Japan before. She can unlock 80.00% of the locks with this thin wire.

Sure enough, in less than a minute, Xiao Xier undid the handcuffs on Wei Ya's hands and the chains around her neck.

After untying it, Wei Ya hugged Xiao Xi'er tightly, and said with the mood of the rest of her life: "I thought I would never see you again, thank you for finding me, thank you, Yuxi."

"I'm late. If I found out that you were missing earlier, I could have found you sooner." Wei Ya was kidnapped at four o'clock, and it was nearly six o'clock when she found out, which was a full delay of two hours. .

Xiao Xier comforted Wei Ya, and Jin Jin over there had also entered the battle.

On the other hand, Qian Yuchen didn't move at all.His gaze was on Xiao Xier all the time.If Chu Fengxing took action against Xiao Xi'er, he would be able to protect her immediately.

Because Jinjin was in the battle there, Chu Fengxing became invincible.

In fact, Chu Fengxing may be comparable to Jinjin fighting alone, or slightly better than Jinjin, but there are still four burly men here.One person hugging him with one arm and one leg can almost restrain him so that he cannot move.

In about 5 minutes, the fight of several people went from inside to outside, and Chu Fengxing was finally suppressed to the ground by Jinjin and the others.

"Weiya, what do you think you want to do with this person?" Xiao Xi'er asked, such a person cannot be let go easily.Otherwise, maybe the same thing will be done in the future.If he didn't leave any clues by then, or if she was a step late, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Drive him away." Wei Ya said.She clearly knew Chu Fengxing's identity, if something happened to him, the whole city of J would be in chaos.Yu Xi and Jin Jin will definitely receive terrible revenge.

"Drive him away? Let him go so easily?" What he did today was kidnap and imprison, even if he was sent to the police, he would be sentenced to several years in prison. Now Wei Ya actually said that he would let him go?

Even if Wei Ya is magnanimous, Xiao Xi'er cannot easily forgive her.

"He, he is the prince of the J gang. We can't afford to offend him." Wei Ya replied in a low voice. She was very angry about this matter, but what can she do?If that Chu Fengxing is an ordinary person, she doesn't care how to deal with it...

"The prince of the J gang?" Xiao Xi'er raised her eyebrows slightly. She had never been in contact with gangsters since she was a child, and she hadn't been in J city for the past four years, so she didn't have the slightest impression of the J gang.He could only turn his suspicious eyes to his elder brother Qian Yuchen.

Qian Yuchen didn't even raise his eyebrows after meeting his eyes, and answered two words lightly: "I'm not afraid."

 Surprised or not Surprised or not~ This chapter was posted so early~ Many readers have come to complain to me, thinking that my posting time is a bit late every day, and then I started to adjust the update time today.A chapter is updated every day at noon.Each chapter will be updated at [-]:[-], [-]:[-], and [-]:[-] pm~
(End of this chapter)

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