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Chapter 215 Already Offended

Chapter 215 Already Offended

"Just say it boldly, don't care about his identity." Qian Yuchen even said that there is no need to be afraid, then she still doesn't care who the other party is the prince of the abcdj gang.

"I don't want to hurt you, don't offend this kind of person for me, the gang's revenge is terrible." Wei Ya said, if she let go of Chu Fengxing like this now, although she is a bit unwilling, at least the people around her will not So get hurt.

"If you offend, you have already offended." After finishing speaking, Xiao Xi'er took the iron chain that Chu Fengxing used to lock Wei Ya just now, and smashed it on Chu Fengxing's forehead with that iron chain.The blood on Chu Fengxing's forehead immediately flowed down the wound.

But Chu Fengxing just gritted his teeth and didn't say a word.In front of the woman he likes, even if it hurts to death, he will never let her see his vulnerable side.He made a mistake today, maybe if he had called a few more people at the beginning, Wei Ya would not have been rescued.

"You do have a bit of backbone." Xiao Xi'er threw away the iron chain and watched Chu Fengxing grit her teeth.I admire his patience a little bit.

"Yu Xi, you can't do this, he will kill you." Wei Ya hurriedly blocked Xiao Xi'er's next move.She couldn't let Xiao Xi'er get into such trouble because of herself.

"He treats you like that, even if you want his life, you can understand. Why are you afraid of him?" Xiao Xi'er dropped the iron chain, and she couldn't do anything too bloody. This chain is also to relieve anger .But the other party is a muffled and stubborn guy, so it's meaningless to torture him.

"Chu Fengxing, I can forgive you for what you did to me today, but if you turn around and trouble my friends, I will hate you for the rest of my life. Also, if you really love me, please use another A way to love me."

When she had never seen Chu Fengxing kill people before, Wei Ya did have a good impression of Chu Fengxing.And when she saw Chu Fengxing's bloodthirsty side with her own eyes, no matter how courageous she was, it was impossible not to be afraid, she was a normal person after all.

But this is just fear, she never hated Chu Fengxing, but she didn't expect this guy to be so extreme.

"Is it still possible for you to fall in love with me?" Chu Fengxing looked at Wei Ya, as long as Wei Ya could fall in love with him, he would do anything.It doesn't matter if you whip him hundreds of times with such an iron chain.

"I don't know, but if you really decide to imprison me, I will never fall in love with you in my life."How many copies of true love in the world come from one touch.Is there any love that comes from compulsion?The former abounds in the world, while the latter ends up hurting both sides.

"I'm sorry... I won't do such a thing in the future." For a while, it seemed that he understood what Xiao Xier said before.

Just now when Wei Ya saw the joy in the eyes of this group of people, he hoped that Wei Ya would be happy when he was by his side.When Wei Ya was in pain, he was in pain at the same time.Maybe this way can keep Wei Ya by her side for a long time, but no one will be happy.

"Are you serious?" It's enough for such a thing to happen once, if it happens a second time, Wei Ya really doesn't know if she can bear it.

"Well..." Chu Fengxing replied, and the next second, Chu Fengxing fell heavily on the ground and passed out.The injury on his forehead was not serious, and it was good that he could last for so long.

(End of this chapter)

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