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Chapter 217 Drunkenness

Chapter 217 Drunkenness
A few people were drunk in one night, because it was the first time they encountered such a thing, and they had the joy of being reborn after a catastrophe, so they couldn't help drinking a little more.In addition, several people are still young, so they really haven't had any alcohol.

In the end, only Mu Qianshu was left sober with a good drink.

Xiao Xi'er originally had servants at home, but it was already one or two o'clock in the morning after eating and drinking, and everyone had to rest at this time.No matter how dedicated the servant is, it's impossible to wait until two o'clock, right?This is too frustrating.

Looking at the three girls lying on the dining table, Mu Qianshu shook his head helplessly.

It seems that he is busy tonight.I really don't understand, obviously I have never been in contact with girls, why I was invited by a girl to come to my house today and I agreed.As a result, embarrassing things happened when he came to the girl's house for the first time. Now he has to find a way to deal with the three drunk girls...

Xiao Xier's villa has two floors, a total of six rooms, only one has clothes hanging in it, and it should be Xiao Xier's residence.Although Mu Qianshu knew that girls' rooms were not easy to enter, he couldn't let girls sleep outside, right?
The other rooms should be guest rooms. Although there are not many things in them, there are beds and independent bathrooms, so it is no problem to live in them.

But this was Mu Qianshu's first time hugging a woman, and that feeling really made him feel strange.

Putting on gloves to ensure that his body could not touch them at all, Mu Qianshu sent them to the room one by one.My own cleanliness is one thing, plus I am a gentleman.It is impossible to eat the other party's tofu just because the other party is drunk.

First of all, Mu Qianshu picked up Wei Jinjin, who was not much shorter than himself and had strong muscles.Honestly...it's harder than carrying a man.

If it's just a man, he can use any posture, dragging and pulling.But although Wei Jinjin's body shape is similar to that of a man, he is also a woman.And she seems to be dreaming, constantly punching him...

Mu Qianshu struggled for 5 minutes before getting him onto the bed, covered him with the quilt, and closed the door.

After finishing the first one, Mu Qianshu heaved a sigh of relief.The latter two figures are much more normal.Wei Ya has control over her weight.No more than 45 kg.And Xiao Xier is born with a body that is not fat, and her digestive system is so good that it makes people jealous.

In Mu Qianshu's eyes, the remaining two people are just two bean sprouts.He first brought Wei Ya into the room, and finally sent Xiao Xi'er to the room.

When Xiao Xi'er was asleep, she couldn't settle down. Although there was no expression on her face, both cheeks were flushed, and her lips were also very red. If the other party wasn't Mu Qianshu, a thousand-year-old tree, I'm afraid any man would look at her. I can't help but pounce on this scene...

After letting go of Xiao Xi'er, Mu Qianshu originally planned to leave.But for some unknown reason, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, and couldn't help himself turning his head to look at Xiao Xi'er who was sleeping soundly.

He felt that Suhang really didn't miss him this time, the woman he liked actually made him appreciate it a little bit.

Of course, Mu Qianshu only admires Xiao Xi'er now, feeling that he hates seeing her late.

(End of this chapter)

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