Chapter 218

I stepped forward and dragged the quilt, thinking that even if I wanted to keep a distance from women, I couldn't let women catch a cold.

After serving all three women well, Mu Qianshu was about to leave the villa.

And Suhang, who was waiting for Mu Qianshu's return, was almost in a frenzy.

It was nearly two o'clock in the morning.It would be fine if the others went home at two o'clock in the morning, Mu Qianshu!Mu Qianshu!

A guy like him who doesn't like to hang out, never goes to nightclubs, ktv, and is a standard good boy, will he not come home at two o'clock in the morning?

If he didn't know that this guy has real skills, he would have sent someone out to find him by now.

But Mu Qianshu here is really in trouble.

As soon as Xiao Xi'er was sent back to her room, she ran into a man with a livid face.

"Who are you?" The man stepped forward and asked him coldly.

"Mu Qianshu." Mu Qianshu replied.This man in front of him seems to be hostile to him?

"Why are you here? You still came out of Xiao Xi'er's room?" Who else could say such a thing besides Qian Yuchen?
After dealing with the company's affairs, he rushed over to Xiao Xi'er.As soon as he entered the door, he saw a strange man coming out of Xiao Xi'er's room!
The elder brother who watched Xiao Xier grow up, of course wanted to drive away the wolves around Xiao Xier.

" drunk. I'll take her to the room." Mu Qianshu frowned slightly, and the man in front of him looked as if he was about to make trouble with him.

It's not that Mu Qianshu is afraid, it's just that she doesn't want to cause any unpleasantness in Xiao Xi'er's house.

This person can come to Xiao Xi'er's house, he should be someone who has something to do with her, and he calls her Xiao Xi'er, so he should be a relatively close person.

"Drunk!" Upon hearing Mu Qianshu's answer, Qian Yuchen hurriedly stepped forward and pushed open Xiao Xi'er's door, and quickly walked into Xiao Xi'er's room.

Seeing Xiao Xi'er's peaceful sleeping face, covered with a quilt, but still wearing the same clothes as during the day, Qian Yuchen felt relieved.

But even though he was relieved, Qian Yuchen still had hostility towards Mu Qianshu: "Why is she drunk?" Could it be that she deliberately plotted against Xiao Xi'er?
"The three of them have poor wine quality, and they get drunk as soon as they drink." Mu Qianshu didn't understand what Qian Yuchen was wondering about, but just told the truth.

"Did you drink it?" Qian Yuchen narrowed his eyes slightly.

"No." Mu Qianshu also continued to deny.

Qian Yuchen took a serious look at Mu Qianshu, and made sure that there was no guilt in his eyes, so he decided to believe his words.

"I'm Xiao Xi'er's elder brother." Qian Yuchen said.

"I'm his classmate." Mu Qianshu also replied.

"Please don't tell anyone about today's matter. About her getting drunk." If you let other caring men know that your sister's wine quality is poor.He didn't want to see this kind of accident happen to Xiao Xi'er.

"En." Mu Qianshu replied, he was not a person who likes to chew his tongue.

Hearing Mu Qianshu's answer, Qian Yuchen didn't bother to delve into some other questions, such as why is he here so late?Trust your intuition, the person in front of you should be considered a gentleman.

"It's getting late, you go back first." Qian Yuchen issued the order to evict the guests.It is impossible for him to let a man stay overnight with Xiao Xi'er.

"Well, but you'd better remember to prepare something for them to sober up. It's probably the first time they've been drunk."

(End of this chapter)

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