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Chapter 222 It's been blackmailed

Chapter 222 It's been blackmailed
I don't know if it's a coincidence or because of something, the troubles between Wei Ya and Xiao Xi'er actually appeared.

Today's game is over.There was a post on the game forum about "Picking Up".

The content is none other than Wei Ya and Xiao Xier.

Xiao Xi'er has the habit of looking at the forum every day, and at a glance, she can see that her photo has been greatly exposed on it.

In fact, in the past two days, many photos of myself have been posted on the forum.But when paired with the words "Pa Yi Pa", Xiao Xi'er couldn't resist clicking in.

These photos have been uploaded, not to make them beautiful, but to make them ugly, such as a bunch of pimples, dark circles under the eyes, dark yellow skin, and oily face.

Xiao Xier is like this, and so is Wei Ya.

"Is this me?" Xiao Xi'er pointed to the photo and asked Wei Ya suspiciously.

Xiao Xi'er's face was clean and smooth, not to mention acne, not even a single pore could be seen.

I usually don't even need to use my skin to take pictures to look better than others.

Now the person in this photo is wearing the same clothes and hairstyle as her, but Xiao Xier really can't believe it is her.

"Damn! This is deliberate smearing! Who is so wicked!" Seeing the photo of Xiao Xi'er and herself, Wei Ya couldn't help cursing.

"It's disgusting!" Xiao Xi'er also frowned slightly, and when she saw Jin Jin next to her, she was sure it was her.

Clicking on that post, the content of the post is: "Hi everyone, today I'm here to pick up Xiao Xi'er and Lan Lan, who have been rumored to be beautiful in the past two days."

Just this one sentence, followed by countless photos, each of which was turned into an ugly monster.

Netizens seem to like to read such posts.

And the acid rain under the post also wiped out the whole screen.

"Pfft, how dare you call her pretty like this? I'm even prettier than her."

"Oh my god, what am I talking about? How could there be such a beautiful person? The forums have been blown up these days. It turns out that the original picture looks like this."

"It's so ugly, I feel cheated."

"The host has a grudge against Xiao Xi'er and Lan Lan? I'm at the scene, and they are so beautiful in person. Don't believe the host's picture."

Although there are occasionally a few who have been to the site in the comments.But compared with the people in the game, the ratio of people who have been to the scene is [-] miles.There are very few people who can talk to Xiao Xier.

Being smeared about her appearance, Xiao Xi'er was so angry that she had a headache and a stomachache.

"You bastard! You still use a small account to post?" Wei Ya also found that post and looked it up.

They are quite familiar with the Internet, if they know that person's number, they can follow the clues to find out who hacked them.But now it's a trumpet, and no one can be found at all.

"I'm here to find, I must find this guy out!" Xiao Xi'er rolled up her sleeves, looking as if she was going to do something big.Click on that person's account, even if it's a small account, she can still find him!

A lot of data began to appear on the computer, and it flashed a few times, and Xiao Xi'er also tapped the keyboard very quickly.

In less than 3 minutes, she had sneaked into the computer of the person who posted it.She had learned this technique from her master before.It's not that hard to sneak into a computer.

After sneaking into that computer, Xiao Xier saw the uu account that the person logged in on the computer, and stole it without thinking.

Xiao Xier also easily cracked the passwords of the small and large forum accounts.

And it seems that they haven't found out that their computer has been hacked yet.

(End of this chapter)

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