Chapter 223

Wei Ya on the side watched Xiao Xier's divine manipulation, almost without blinking her cool!I never knew that Yuxi had this skill, it's amazing.

"I changed the password of this person's uu account to eight zeros. Go log in to this account and see if that bastard is blackmailing us!" As she said, Xiao Xi'er threw the person's account to Wei Ya.

"That's amazing, Yuxi, you actually know how to sneak into other people's computers! It's so cool, teach me some other day!" Wei Ya logged into that person's uu account while talking.

And Xiao Xier here also planted a new type of virus in that person's computer by the way, causing the computer over there to completely crash.

"I've logged in! My God, Yuxi, you're amazing! Ahhh, this guy, isn't this the Killer!" Wei Ya was startled again when she saw the account name before she could get excited.

Unexpectedly, it was really hit by Xiao Xi'er, and this guy came to take revenge.There are still such shameless people in this world. !
"It really is him!" Xiao Xier glanced at the account on Wei Ya's computer.

In fact, just now I was wondering if it was him.After all, no one will insult you for no reason.

That Killer is not a good thing in appearance, a typical villain appearance, now that he is definitely the one who did it, there is no surprise.

"Then what should we do now?" Now that we know it's this guy, we have to fight back, right?

"Let's treat him in the same way." Xiao Xi'er laughed.

Xiao Xi'er has copied all the contents of that killing computer.Kill such a narcissistic person, but save a lot of selfies.There are also many incredible things in the uu account.It can be said that there are a lot of stains.

"You mean, post his photo on the forum?" Wei Ya asked.

"I'm not that kind. He's already ugly." Xiao Xi'er won't take advantage of him.

While speaking, Xiao Xier's fingertips had already typed out a series of titles on the computer.The same account that posted the "ugly photos" of Xiao Xi'er and Wei Ya was used.

"Hi everyone, I'm Killer. I want to auction my account on the forum."

The title is enough to attract the onlookers.

Of course, there must be many people who want the account of the No.8 master in the arena.

For Xiao Xier, getting an account only takes 2 minutes.But it is estimated that there will be a lot of income in this way.

After typing the title, more than a dozen killer selfies were posted on the back.

As soon as it was sent out, someone responded immediately in less than ten seconds.

"Is this photo a killer? Oh my god, it's so ugly!"

"Didn't you find out that this account picked up Xiao Xi'er and Lan Lan half an hour ago?"

"Pfft...Although it's about killing the Great God, this photo shouldn't go viral, right?"

"But is the master really going to sell the account?"

Xiao Xi'er quickly replied: "If it's fake, the starting price for the account is 80 yuan. If you don't believe me, you can log in to the account to see if I am the real person. The account number is 7654123, and the password is eight zeros."

A passage was sent out, and the "Taohuayuan" account that was killed was indeed logged in by various people.

"Oh my god, it's really a killing account! I'll pay [-] to take this account away!!"

"I'm going to log in and try!"

Someone quickly logged into Killer's account and replied, it seems a little excited...

(End of this chapter)

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