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Chapter 224 The Stolen Game

Chapter 224 The Stolen Game
"I've also logged in, it's true, it's really Shajue! I paid [-] to buy it!" Soon more people logged into Shajue's Taohuayuan account, and then came back to reply.

In less than a while, this account was copied to more than 3 people, and it seems to be getting more and more intense...

This is because the auction account is in full swing, and everyone watching the excitement is also enjoying themselves.But there is one person who feels like eating a poop when he sees the post at the moment.

Could this person be someone else besides the person involved in "Killing"?

He was fine with the computer 5 minutes ago.Unexpectedly, after 5 minutes, the computer screen turned black, and there was no response at all.No matter how he restarted it, it didn't help.

Obviously, the computer is broken.But he was still surfing the forum just now and was excited, so he could only go to the Internet cafe to continue browsing.But he didn't expect at all that his account had been stolen.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the Internet cafe and turned on his computer, he hadn't had time to log in to his forum account.The sharp-eyed one saw his selfie picture on the homepage, and even auctioned off his Taohuayuan account?
To confirm, he hastily logged into his own account.But now that the account has been stolen by Xiao Xi'er, how could he still be on it?

Sure enough, no matter how many times he tried, he couldn't log in to his account.At noon, I can be sure that my account has been stolen.

Helpless, he can only go in to see who is so wicked, in the face of stealing his trumpet.And threatened to auction off his Taohuayuan account?
But when he went in and saw the content of the reply below, his heart twitched in fright.

Of the many selfies he took, most of them were ugly photos, the ones he had no time to delete, and all of them were posted on the homepage at this moment...

And the reply below made him vomit blood even more.

The person who stole his trumpet actually revealed his account password.And has anyone logged in?Still logged in successfully?Password eight zeros?
"Damn! What are you kidding! My game password is thirteen digits long! There are even symbols in Chinese and English!" As he said, he picked up his phone and logged in to his uu account.

But after logging in twice, I found that my game account could not be logged in at all!Killer's heart skipped a beat.Could it be... really stolen by someone?

Seeing that more than 3 accounts have been copied to nearly [-], Kill Jue felt more and more uneasy.Although I don't want to believe it, but now I have to confirm whether my account password has really been replaced with eight zeros.

With doubts, Zajue finally logged into the game with a password of eight zeros.But in less than two seconds, the account was immediately squeezed out.

But it's a fact that his account has been stolen... He couldn't figure it out, even if his forum number was stolen, why the game account was also stolen?
Who is the other party!Why target him?
And the computer at home suddenly broke down... These possibilities together made him shiver uncontrollably.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you steal my account!" Sha Jue asked in the post using his anonymity.

Seeing the sudden addition of such a message in all the messages calling for prices, Xiao Xier certainly paid attention, and was even sure that the other party was Killer.But she didn't reply, so let the other party be anxious for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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