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Chapter 225 Auction Success

Chapter 225 Auction Success
Besides, this auction has been carried out here, and it is impossible to stop here.

And Xiao Xier's auction of this account is not a joke.This number is auctioned off.

"The last 2 minutes count down, the highest bidder wins." Xiao Xi'er tapped the keyboard and sent this passage.

Seeing Xiao Xier's message, the competition behind is getting more and more fierce.

Within 1 minute, the price was copied another 1.After [-] minute more ferocious.

On the other hand, Xiao Xi'er was leisurely, tapping her index finger on the table where the computer was placed, with a faint smile on her face.

Quietly watching the bloody scene in front of him, waiting for the countdown to the last minute.

On the other side of Shajue, there was also frenzied abuse.All kinds of ugly words came one after another.

Of course, Xiao Xi'er would not pay attention to this barking like a mad dog.

After 2 minutes passed, the number had been auctioned for a high price of [-].

Xiao Xi'er contacted that person without hesitation, changed the account password by the way, and then no one could log in to Killer's account.

It didn't take much time to trade this account, and the other party was very straightforward.People who can call up to [-] at will are indeed generous.

Xiao Xier happily received the money transfer.Although she does not lack such a little money.As for the killing over there, it has been blocked because it is too noisy.

"Yu Xi, you really relieved your hatred by doing this! You did it so beautifully!" Seeing that Yu Xi had so easily sold the account of Sha Jue, Wei Ya couldn't help but give Xiao Xi'er a thumbs up in excitement.

"The revenge here is over, so do we also need to clarify the matter of the photo just now?"

Xiao Xi'er didn't care about the post anymore, but clicked into the previous post of Shajuexiaohao.Then he deleted the post that smeared himself and Wei Ya without hesitation.

However, simply deleting it is useless. The popularity of that post is likely to be seen by the entire forum.Deletion now is nothing more than to prevent proliferation.

"How to clarify?" Wei Ya asked.

"It's very simple, just start a live broadcast." Such rumors are the easiest to break.And now most netizens also know that the trumpet just now was killed.

After she clarified, it would be a ghost to kill someone in such a mess.

After Xiao Xier made this decision, she used her account to find the administrator of the forum and explained the reason. The administrator was a man who was willing to help Xiao Xier.

What's more, this incident will definitely make a big news.The hot spots on their forums will be highly hyped.

After a while, a huge advertisement page appeared on the homepage of the forum.

"At eight o'clock tonight, the great god Lanlan Xiaoxi'er will live broadcast the game Taohuayuan, and teach everyone how to attack the Frozen Island dungeon in the fastest time. At that time, everyone remember to click on the live broadcast interface to watch!"

Xiao Xi'er doesn't mind showing up in public, and so does Lan Lan.Anyway, in the past two days, their photos have already spread all over the forum.

Once they broadcast live, all the scandals will be self-defeating.

Just wait for the killing to jump at home angrily.

It's six o'clock in the afternoon, and there are two hours left.Eight o'clock is also the time when the forum has the most people.

"Live broadcast? Do the two of them dare to broadcast live? They were killed just like that."

"Hahahaha, you don't know how to open beauty software?"

"I'm looking forward to it, I don't know what they look like."

As soon as the promotional page came out, netizens had heated discussions again.

(End of this chapter)

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