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Chapter 226 Look at the hands or what?

Chapter 226 Look at the hands or what?

It's just that the killing over there suddenly became silent.

Just now I have been cursing and suddenly stopped.

Of course, it wasn't because he was tired of cursing, in fact, it was fine to let him fight for three hundred rounds.

It's just that his hands are not controlled by the brain now.

Of course, Xiao Xi'er here didn't pay attention to why the killer suddenly lost his voice.

"Forgive me, forgive me. I didn't do it on purpose. I really didn't know she belonged to you, otherwise I wouldn't dare to blackmail her if I had a hundred guts!"

In the dark room, Zajue lay on the ground like a dog, crying and begging for mercy.Now he doesn't have the heart to care about his account being auctioned by someone, and he can't even protect himself.

However, there are only two people in front of the killing.

One of them had gauze tied on his head, his eyes were cold, and there was a scar on his face.Who wouldn't know that this is the first sentence of the crown prince of the j gang?

And the other person killed but didn't know him.However, judging by his identity, it should not be easy either. He was standing behind the initial seal.But he was handsome, in a white shirt.If he could smile, he would probably look like an angel.Unfortunately, there was no expression on his face.

"Yan Bai, what do you think we should do with this man? Cut off his hands or what?" Chu Fengxing asked the man behind him.

And the person behind him is none other than Yan Bai.

Chu Fengxing originally wanted to teach this guy who dared to touch Wei Ya a lesson, but he didn't expect that the young master would also punish him.

The reason why the J Gang has been able to be arrogant for so long under Qian's nose is because the real boss of the J Gang is surnamed Yan.

All large-scale operations of the J Gang have to be approved by Yan Feiai.What is Yan Bai's identity?Yan Feiai's own son, the only heir of the Yan family.

Now that Yan Bai is in city j, the crown prince of gang j is still Chu Fengxing, but Yan Bai is the overlord.

To put it simply, the roles of Chu Fengxing and Yan Bai are now one is the grandson and the other is the uncle.

Of course, Yan Bai and Chu Fengxing knew each other ten years ago.At that time, Chu Feng was sentenced to seventeen or eighteen, and Yan Bai was only seven or eight.It's an old friend now.

"Kill it." Yan Bai glanced at Killing, and then said concisely.

People who make Xiao Xier unhappy don't need to live in this world.

"Tsk, you are more ruthless than me. But this is not Europe, try to kill as little as possible." Chu Feng Xing said, thinking that this person has offended his ancestors.Yan Bai personally said that he would kill someone.But at the same time, I also sweated for myself.

It was only today that he found out that Lian Yuxi from yesterday belonged to Yan Bai, and he still cared so much about it.He actually threatened Wei Ya that he would touch her.But fortunately, he didn't really touch her, otherwise he might die with regret...

"Hey, kid, do you want to live?" Chu Fengxing squatted down in front of Killer and asked.

"Think, think, want to survive!" Shajue nodded repeatedly.As long as he can survive, he can do anything.

"If you want to live, do as I say later, and I can spare your life." Murder is impossible, but there is no good fruit for this kid.

"Okay, I will do everything and listen to you."

"Well, recite these words, and then broadcast a live broadcast on the forum to explain what you did today." As he spoke, Chu Fengxing brought a piece of A4 paper, on which were printed a bunch of apologies, acknowledgments, and explanations. Those photos today are posted by myself.

(End of this chapter)

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