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Chapter 241 That Restaurant

Chapter 241 That Restaurant
"The rumors are wrong?"

"Well, I gave him a slap." Xiao Xi'er nodded and said.If he really got beaten, it would be more than that today.

"You slapped him! That's good, that's good. Ah~ I'm so sleepy, Yu Xi, I'll sleep a little longer, and you help me watch the teacher." As long as Yu Xi is not bullied, she will be relieved.

"Well, good." I don't know what time Jinjin and Wei Ya have been playing at night.

"No, no, no... I can't sleep, the next class is English class! If I don't get 2% this time, I will be caught by the head teacher. I will be the target of strict supervision!" After only [-] minutes of sleep, Jinjin suddenly fell asleep again. sat up.He took the book out of the drawer.

"Pfft... so you are worried about grades." Seeing Jinjin jumping up so suddenly was really funny, Xiao Xier felt that the bad mood just now was swept away.

"Then when..."

Before "Dididi" finished, Jinjin's cell phone rang, and there was a call.

"I'll answer the call first, and I'll be back later." When I saw the caller ID, I planned to answer it outside.

It took about 5 minutes for Jinjin to come back, and the expression on his face seemed a little tangled.But he didn't say anything to Xiao Xi'er, but Xiao Xi'er didn't ask anything either.

After the morning class was over, Xiao Xier stretched herself.Decided to have a nice lunch.

About the news this morning, Qian Yuyou and Ye Ziyue released the news, whoever dares to discuss more will definitely make him look good.In fact, as long as the discussion stops, the matter will calm down quickly.So Xiao Xi'er was not affected much.

"Where are you going to eat today?" Xiao Xi'er looked at Jinjin and asked.Xiao Xi'er still hasn't figured out the delicacies around here.

Jinjin seemed to hesitate for a while, and then said: "Well, let's go to the western restaurant before? I suddenly have a craving."

"Hmm...Okay. But will we meet Su Hang over there?"

Xiao Xier didn't want to run into Suhang at this time.I remembered that every time I went to that western restaurant, I would meet Suhang, as if it was owned by his family.

"This, this..."

Jinjin scratched the back of her head, seeming to hesitate to speak.

"Forget it, forget him. If you encounter it, just treat it as a cloud of air and ignore it. Let's go."

When I arrived at the western restaurant, I found that there was no one in the lobby on the first floor, but there was a row of waiters standing there.

"Well, may I ask, is this place closed today?" Xiao Xi'er asked after finding a waiter.

"No, it's open. It's just that we only accept one customer today." The waiter said to Xiao Xi'er with a smile.

"Looks like it's been booked out. Jinjin, let's eat elsewhere." People have already come here, so it's a pity not to be able to eat.

"You two, please follow me to the second floor." The waiter stepped forward and said to Xiao Xi'er again.

"Didn't you say that only one guest is accepted?" Xiao Xi'er was a little puzzled, but seeing that the waiter was already walking towards the second floor, Xiao Xi'er could only follow.

Perhaps, the first floor is reserved, but the second floor is not.Xiao Xier thought so.

But when I went up to the second floor, I found that there was still no one on the second floor.It's just that the layout of the second floor is different from the previous two visits.

There was a red carpet on the ground, flowers around, and a faint scent of perfume in the air.Obviously, this was carefully arranged.

(End of this chapter)

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