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Chapter 242 Come to Apologize

Chapter 242 Come to Apologize

Xiao Xier looked at the waiter suspiciously, not understanding why the waiter brought her here.

The waiter saw the doubt in Xiao Xi'er's eyes, but didn't answer her.Instead, he smiled and nodded, pointed to a table in front of him, then turned and left.

Although Xiao Xi'er was puzzled, she still walked to the table in front.

There was an envelope on the table, Xiao Xier glanced at Jinjin, then picked up the envelope.

His name was written on the envelope, not Lian Yuxi, but Qian Yuxi, who should be someone who knew him.And the waiter said that he only received one guest, and that should be himself.

And Jinjin must know something.

Since it was for herself, Xiao Xier opened the envelope without hesitation.

There were only three words "I'm sorry" written on it, and I looked at the reverse side again, and it was the same three words.

"Who is it?" Xiao Xi'er looked at Jinjin and asked.She was sure that Jinjin knew about it.

"That, actually, is Suhang..." Jinjin has never been good at lying.In fact, the call I answered before was from Suzhou and Hangzhou.

That's why she deliberately left Yu Xi's sight when the phone call came.

At first, she was a little confused when Su Hang opened the phone, and then Su Hang said that he had misunderstood Yu Xi during the day and wanted to come to apologize, his tone was indeed very sincere.

Don't look at Jinjin who looks fierce, but in fact she hates such words the most. As soon as Suhang apologized, she began to soften her heart.Then he brought Yuxi here.

"Suhang? How does that guy want to humiliate me!" As soon as Suhang was mentioned, Xiao Xi'er's face immediately changed.

"He, he seems to be here to apologize... I'm sorry, Yuxi, I didn't deliberately trick you into coming here." What should I do, Yuxi seemed a little angry.If I had known earlier, I would not have agreed to that Suhang...

"Wait a minute...how did he know my name?" Xiao Xi'er realized it later, and suddenly remembered that her name written on the piece of paper just now was Asahi Nozomi.

He should not know his real name...

"I didn't say that, he, he might have found something!" Regarding this point, Jinjin quickly denied, not wanting to be mistaken by Jinjin as someone who broke his promise.

"Well, I see." Xiao Xi'er nodded, this Suhang is a little capable, if he can find the photos he took when he was in Japan, then he will definitely find out his real name.

To be honest, even if Cheng Bihua knew her real surname, she was not worried that she would be exposed, because Cheng Bihua wished that her identity would not be as good as hers.Suhang doesn't know...

She has never been with Su Hang, she doesn't know what kind of character Su Hang has.Besides, she slapped him in the morning. The two of them had already had conflicts. Who knew what he would do.

"Suhang, what kind of tricks are you trying to play? If you want revenge, I will make it clear, don't make small tricks in secret." Xiao Xi'er shouted loudly, she was sure that Suhang was here.


It was exactly as Xiao Xier thought.I saw Su Hang holding a bunch of flowers in his hand, walking over from not far away.His brows were a little tight, and the gloom in the morning was no longer on his face.It really looked like an apology.

"Tell me, what kind of tricks do you want to play?" Xiao Xi'er looked at Suhang and asked calmly.

"I apologize. I don't play tricks. I didn't understand what happened in the morning. It's my fault." Hearing Xiao Xier's words, Suhang quickly continued.

(End of this chapter)

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