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Chapter 244 No Regret Medicine

Chapter 244 No Regret Medicine
"Okay, don't talk about it, I don't want to hear you say so much. As for my name, you can announce it if you want." At this point, let her come to discuss with Su Hang not to make her name public. Absolutely impossible.

"Don't worry, I will never say anything!" He promised with his own personality.

"You can figure it out yourself. Jinjin, there is only one guest here, let's go to another restaurant for dinner." Anyway, Jinjin said that he wanted to eat Western food today, probably to bring himself here.

So there is no need to eat here.

"Yu Xi, I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me." Seeing Yu Xi walking out, Suhang couldn't hold back, so he could only shout verbally.

Xiao Xi'er didn't even give her a look this time, she just took a taxi and left.

"It's over, it's really over now." Su Hang propped his forehead with one hand, while shaking his head and sighing.It could be seen that Yuxi was really angry, and it was very serious.It's not something an apology can fix.

I blame myself for being too impulsive. If you wait any longer, control your emotions.When he received that call later in the day, he wouldn't be so fierce and pull Yuxi to say those words.

But it's useless to regret now.


"Well, Yuxi, are you angry with me..." Seeing that Yuxi sat in the car and remained silent for a while, Jinjin couldn't help but asked.I was afraid that Xiao Xi'er would be offended by tricking her into a western restaurant.

"No, I just didn't expect him to find out my identity, and I'm just a little depressed." Angry but not to the point of being with Jin Jinsheng.I just feel that I seem to have underestimated Suhang.

"What exactly did that Su Hang say to you in the morning?" Su Hang apologized so much, but Yu Xi didn't seem to intend to forgive him, which really made people care...

"Some words that are difficult to say." Xiao Xi'er was ashamed to speak, because she didn't know how to say those words.

"Well, actually... Yu Xi, Suhang is pretty good too. I've known him for so long, and this is the first time I've seen him like this. It's hard for me to imagine that he would be mean to you, after all, what kind of guy Suhang is to you Girls are very nice. He will talk harshly to you, maybe he really likes you." There must be a reason for things to go wrong, and this must be the reason.

That guy Suhang might really like Yuxi.

"Maybe it's because he can't get me, that's why he got it like this." After all, that guy finds a lot of women, and basically every time he finds a girl, he falls into his tender land.As for Xiao Xier herself, it was an accident, so he must not be reconciled.

"No, there were a few women he couldn't catch up with in the past. The girls liked Qian Yuyou and Ye Ziyue. He can only give up, although he is not reconciled. But I have never seen him give up on someone like this."

"Don't speak for that guy, or I'll be really angry." Xiao Xi'er said pretending to be fierce.She didn't expect Jinjin to turn his elbows out and help Suhang speak...

"Don't talk, don't talk." Suhang, it's unlucky for you to fall in love with Yuxi, but unfortunately the most indispensable thing around him is that handsome guy, there are all types and age groups, Suhang is afraid that he won't be able to catch up.This... probably is God's retribution for you.

Let you find girls to play with every day, but you always give up.Now let you taste what you can't get.

(End of this chapter)

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