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Chapter 245 Alliance

Chapter 245 Alliance
"Hello, my name is Gao Ranran. May I have the honor to meet you?" After the morning class, Gao Ranran dragged her dislocated arm and found Cheng Bihua in Class [-], a class with moderate grades.

Cheng Bihua just transferred to the school this morning, although she joined the school's news agency two days ago.

It's not difficult to find Cheng Bihua. Cheng Bihua's looks are particularly stunning, and he is definitely the focus in one place.When I transferred to another school today, there was already a big commotion.

Although Gao Ranran is the school girl, she will inevitably lose her color in front of Cheng Bihua.If it weren't for Xiao Xi'er, Cheng Bihua would be called the most beautiful.But Gao Ranran has been hit to the extreme by Xiao Xi'er.Naturally, I no longer have time to pay attention to other people's looks.After all, the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

"You? Who are you?" Cheng Bihua put his arms around his chest and looked down at Gao Ranran.

Cheng Bihua has never had any friends, and arrogance is basically synonymous with her. As for making friends, she also depends on her status. Although she still doesn't have any truly qualified friends, she has quite a few followers.

The identity of this person in front of him is unknown.If she had some status, she wouldn't mind having an extra follower.After all, she doesn't have a follower who can handle her in China.

It's just that although Gao Ranran's family here is just an ordinary small business, she has never tried to cater to anyone since she was a child.Even because of her beauty, others have always flattered her.If it wasn't for seeing that Cheng Bihua was good at dealing with Lian Yuxi today, she would never have lowered her face and took the initiative to make friends with Cheng Bihua.

But at this moment Cheng Bihua treated her with such an attitude, Gao Ranran obviously lost face, if it were earlier, Gao Ranran might have lost her temper.But when he thought of Lian Yuxi, and thought that the person in front of him could deal with Lian Yuxi, he had no choice but to endure it.

"I'm Gao Ranran, we met this morning." Gao Ranran said.

"I didn't pay attention. Gao Ranran... what does your family do?" Cheng Bihua looked at Gao Ranran and looked him up and down.

Gao Ranran took a deep breath and told herself to be patient, to be patient, who made her status really noble.

"My family runs a factory and makes clothes. Many big brands of clothes are processed by my family."

"Factory?" Hearing Gao Ranran's words, Cheng Bihua smiled contemptuously.A small business that only runs a factory also wants to make friends with itself?This kind of small business is not even qualified to be its own follower.

Seeing the contempt in Cheng Bihua's eyes, Gao Ranran blushed.I don't know what to say.I had heard before that the young miss, a new student transferred from Class [-], had a serious temper, but I didn't expect it to be this serious.

If he had known that the other party would despise him like this, Gao Ranran would never have come out of it to make fun of him.

"Forget it, such a dilapidated school, you must have a good status, so I don't care so much. Tell me, why do you want to know me?" Cheng Bihua said again.Seeing that Gao Ranran is quite pretty, she just reluctance to do it.

Hold back, hold back, Gao Ranran, you must hold back!Gao Ranran warned herself in her heart.

Even if it was to deal with Lian Yuxi!Even if it wasn't to deal with Lian Yuxi, the Cheng Bihua in front of him was not someone he could offend.

(End of this chapter)

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