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Chapter 256 No problem

Chapter 256 No problem

"Xiao Xi'er, are you okay with this exam?" There are still 10 minutes before the exam time.Ye Ziyue ran to Xiao Xi'er's examination room and asked Xiao Xi'er.

In fact, he knew very well in his heart that with Xiao Xi'er's IQ, how could such a topic stump her.

It's a pity that he and Xiao Xi'er are not in the same examination room.I just want to see Xiao Xi'er again.So I came up with an excuse.

He felt that since Xiao Xier arrived in high school, he had other good friends around him, and the relationship between him and Xiao Xier became more and more distant.

I don't know if this is an illusion, or because I found out that I have ulterior motives for Xiao Xi'er, so I feel more possessive in my heart.As a result, he has been worrying about gains and losses for Xiao Xi'er.

Xiao Xier is getting better and better now, and there are more and more people around her who are close to Xiao Xier.For example, Mu Qianshu, Yan Bai, and Suhang.

He was always worried about whether Xiao Xi'er would be taken away.I always hope to spend more time with Xiao Xier.

But regarding Ye Ziyue's idiot excuse this time, Xiao Xi'er couldn't help but rolled her eyes and said, "Aren't you talking nonsense? I don't even know how to do high school questions, so don't I live longer and get back? "

Ye Ziyue asking herself such a question is like asking herself how much one plus one equals.

"I heard from the head teacher that this monthly exam will be more difficult, and you didn't come to school in the morning, so I'm worried that you will perform abnormally." Ye Ziyue said again.But that too is just an excuse.

No matter how difficult the subject is, it is only a subject for high school students.Even if it is beyond the standard, it will not exceed the ability of high school students.

"Don't worry, don't worry, even if I am really careless this time, then I will only lose a few points at most, and I won't fall out of class one. Don't worry about me!"

"Okay, then I'm going to take the exam, and I'll look for you later." To be honest, he still hoped that Xiao Xi'er's grades would not be so good.

In this case, he might still have a chance to tutor Xiao Xier alone.


I don't know if it's her own illusion, but Xiao Xi'er always feels that Ye Ziyue took too much care of her when she returned to China this time.

They were in the same class for six years in elementary school, but Ye Ziyue didn't treat her as well as she does now.

Could it be because Ye Ziyue has grown up in the past few years?Know how to take care of girls?

But this possibility should not be great.Except seeing that he treats himself so well, his attitude towards other girls seems to be similar to his attitude towards himself before.Just be gentle with yourself...

"What are you thinking?" Seeing that Xiao Xi'er was in a daze, Yan Bai couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing." Xiao Xi'er shook her head, she was just thinking about Ye Ziyue's abnormality.

"There is a concert tonight, do you want to go and see it?" Yan Bai said.And in his hand are two concert tickets.

Of course, Yan Bai couldn't think of such an elegant thing as inviting girls to watch a concert.

This is what it means to be simple.

Of course, Jian Jian knows that Yan Bai doesn't have much EQ, so in order not to watch his young master treat love as friendship.Missing a beautiful love in vain, he deliberately said to Yan Bai:

"Even friendship needs to be together for a long time to maintain it. If you say hello to each other every day, this friendship will fade quickly. So, you need to do something together to maintain friendship!"

(End of this chapter)

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