Chapter 257 Concert

At first he was skeptical about Jian Jian's words, but later Jian Jian said more and more, and he said everything clearly and logically, as if that was the case.So Yan Bai also believed in the simple words.

I don't know where to get two concert tickets.

Under the influence of her second elder brother and Ye Kaiquan, Xiao Xier still likes music quite a lot.And those two concert tickets are from the 'Oriental Orchestra'.One of Xiaoxier's favorite bands.

Thinking that there would be nothing to do tonight anyway, Xiao Xier readily agreed.As for Tangtang, she might have to sleep until night today before getting up.

"Concerts, I didn't expect Yan Bai to like to listen to concerts." Xiao Xi'er looked at the tickets Yan Bai gave her and muttered to herself. She always felt that Yan Bai was too quiet, and she didn't seem like someone who would be interested in anything. people.

Even if there is something of interest, it should be painting, writing and so on.As for the music...everything with sound doesn't seem like Yan Bai would like it...not to mention a noisy concert like the Oriental Orchestra...

Could it be that Yan Bai is actually a sullen person?Look cold on the surface but like excitement secretly?

In fact, Yan Bai didn't know anything about the Oriental Orchestra, except that Xiao Xi'er liked it.As for the songs that the Oriental Orchestra sang, he didn't explore at all.

Soon it was time for the exam, and the invigilator came in with a stack of papers in his hand, pushed his glasses, glanced at all the students who had arrived in the exam room, and coughed lightly: "Ahem, please find them according to your student number. Take your own seat, don’t make any noise, the exam is about to start.”

When the students gathered in twos and threes saw the invigilator, they all dispersed and went back to their seats.

"It looks like everything is here, let's start the exam." The invigilator said.After speaking, he quickly handed out the papers one by one.

But obviously, starting from Xiao Xi'er, the speed of distributing papers has obviously changed.The invigilator should be a woman around 30 years old. When she came to the examination room, her eyes never moved away from Mu Qianshu Yanbai who was behind Xiao Xier.

"Don't be nervous, you must work hard for this exam." After handing out Xiao Xi'er's papers, the invigilator immediately walked to Mu Qianshu's side, and said in a gentle tone.

Xiao Xi'er glanced back quietly, and sighed, a handsome man can really seduce a woman from eighty to eight years old.

On the other hand, Mu Qianshu looked like he had seen a ghost, and kept turning to the side to keep the maximum distance from the invigilator.It can be seen that his actions are subconscious.

Just looking at Mu Qianshu's behavior towards the invigilator, Xiao Xi'er could barely believe his attitude towards women.

Being so distanced by Mu Qianshu, the invigilator was obviously a little embarrassed.He couldn't hold back his old face, but after all, he was so old, so he quickly turned his attention to Yan Bai to divert his embarrassment.

"You have to work hard! You must get a good grade in the exam." The invigilator said to Yan Bai again.

"En." Yan Bai took the paper coldly, and gave one right away, but only answered a monophonic word.

His indifferent attitude is probably even worse than Mu Qianshu's intentional distance.

Xiao Xi'er seemed to see the invigilator being stabbed twice in the chest.Today's students don't know how to respect teachers more and more...

(End of this chapter)

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