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Chapter 259 I will go for you

Chapter 259 I will go for you

"And me." Ye Ziyue appeared as soon as the words finished.

It looks like the talent has come together.

"You have been competing with me in everything since you were a child." Xiao Xi'er saw Ye Ziyue and couldn't help complaining.

It's been like this since childhood.No matter what you do, you have to compare yourself with yourself.

"Not this time." Ye Ziyue denied.At that time, she was young and ignorant, and always regarded Xiao Xi'er as her competitor.Whether it's grades, or anything else, you have to pass Xiao Xi'er to be happy.

But as he grew older, the competitive mentality between him and Xiao Xier disappeared unknowingly.Who is faster, who is slower, who has a higher score and who is lower, no longer care about it.

"I believe you, they are already this big, and that childish competition should have ended long ago."

"By the way, Xiao Xi'er, my brother is at home today, and I want to invite you to my house to play. I wonder if you have time?" Ye Ziyue said again, it's rare that her brother's tour concert is over today, this is a good opportunity.

It's been a long time since Xiao Xi'er returned to China, and they haven't had a serious gathering yet.

"Today? Not today, I have an appointment with Yan Bai to go to the concert together." After finishing speaking, Xiao Xi'er walked up to Yan Bai's side, took out the two tickets and waved them in her hand Young.It is impossible to release white pigeons.

"A concert?" Ye Ziyue looked at Xiao Xi'er and then at Yan Bai.Unexpectedly, this guy also knew to invite Xiao Xier to the concert?What ordinary friends, they really are rivals in love!
"So I'm sorry, let's go again next time I have a chance." For this, Xiao Xi'er could only apologize.

"Don't be shy. You haven't seen each other for so many years. Finally, Big Brother Ye is also at home. If we don't get together this time, when will we have to wait for the next time? I'll just go to your concert for you."

All I saw was Cheng Bihua stepping forward suddenly and directly snatching the two concert tickets from Xiao Xi'er.

When Xiao Xier and Yan Bai came out after handing in the answer sheets, she followed her, even though she hadn't finished her test paper yet.

Cheng Bihua saw it when Yan Bai gave Xiao Xi'er concert tickets before, and felt a little uncomfortable.Seeing such a scene now, he couldn't resist snatching Xiao Xi'er's ticket.

"Give me back the ticket." Xiao Xier stretched out her hand towards Cheng Bihua.

"Oriental Orchestra? Even in the UK, this orchestra is very popular. Interesting, I really want to see it." Cheng Bihua looked at the promotional picture on the ticket.

"I'll say it again, return the ticket to me." Xiao Xi'er's expression darkened.This Cheng Bihua is too arrogant!
"Cheng Bihua, return the ticket to Xiao Xi'er." Ye Ziyue also joined in.Sure enough, Cheng Bihua shouldn't have been brought with him when he returned to China this time.

It's just that Cheng Bihua's actions this time made Ye Ziyue a little confused.How could Cheng Bihua let Xiao Xi'er be with him and steal the music tickets on purpose?Didn't she want to separate herself and Xiao Xi'er more?
"I was just joking. Look at all of you, why are you all so angry. I'll just return the ticket to you." After finishing speaking, Cheng Bihua returned the ticket to Xiao Xi'er.

"Cheng Bihua, I don't know what tricks you're up to, but next time you want to continue to make things difficult for me, trust me, I won't make it easier for you." Xiao Xi'er spoke in a very merciless tone.

(End of this chapter)

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