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Chapter 260 Do you dare?

Chapter 260 Do you dare?
Xi'er has never endured anything since she was a child, and Cheng Bihua's current actions have obviously touched Xiao Xi'er's bottom line.

"Don't be so fierce, you scare me so much. Don't worry, it was just a joke just now. Didn't I return the ticket to you?"

In fact, Cheng Bihua was really afraid of Qian Yuxi, because he was left with too many shadows when he was a child.Even though she came to China now to make trouble for Nozomi Asaba, she really didn't dare to rush Nozomi Asaba.

Just like the current Asahi Nozomi, she will never continue to provoke her recklessly.After all, her status and family background are still inferior to Asahi Nozomi.

Qian Yuxi has such a status in the Qian family, who knows what kind of personality those people in the Qian family are, what if they don't want their daughter to be wronged, even if they lose eight thousand soldiers, they have to vent their anger?The one who lost the most was Cheng.

"I haven't settled with you for what happened yesterday, but I will write it down in my notebook first." Let Cheng Bihua continue to be so arrogant?impossible.Little Xi'er will hold grudges.

"I'm waiting for you to settle the score with me." Cheng Bihua said.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it then."

"Nozomi Asaba, I really, really hate you." It would be fine if I didn't know Nozomi Asaba when I was young, and I didn't meet Nozomi Asaba.This woman has always been a thorn in my heart, and I can't get it out no matter what.

"Then don't appear in front of me." Xiao Xi'er replied.hate oneself?It's just because I don't indulge her princess disease.

"Qao Yuxi, if it wasn't because of your family background, do you really think I would be afraid of you? The only thing I fear is your family background. If you don't have your family background, I can kill you with one hand." The most hated woman has power that she can't match!

"Hehe, you are jealous because of my family background. You have the face to say such things." Xiao Xi'er laughed as if she heard a very funny joke.

"What are you laughing at? Am I wrong?" If Nozomi Asagi didn't have such a family behind her, she would have eliminated Nozomi Asagi long ago!
"You say I'm afraid of me because of my family background? What about you? If you don't have the Cheng family behind you, you don't even have the qualifications to talk to me." This Cheng Bihua is really ridiculous, and moved out of the family.

To be honest, even if I don't have Qianshi behind me, it is very easy for me to let myself survive and survive well.But on Cheng Bihua's body...

Cheng Bihua might not have the backing of the Cheng Group. According to her character, she would offend people every minute, and at most she would not survive for two days.

"Do you dare to compete? I know you have learned Taekwondo. We don't rely on the family, we don't rely on anyone. It's just the two of us! Whoever loses is not allowed to cry to the family! Do you dare? Do you have the courage? "What Qian Yuxi said was correct, so Cheng Bihua didn't refute it.Instead, he deliberately resorted to aggressive methods.He wanted to draw Asaba Shiki into his trap.

And how could Xiao Xi'er fail to hear that Cheng Bihua said that on purpose, didn't he just want to provoke him to fight her?She was sure Cheng Bihua was ready.

If Xiao Xier agrees.If she loses this fight, she will be beaten in vain.Winning is just a waste of energy to beat the opponent up.But it's not easy for her to beat up Cheng Bihua?Just find someone, so Cheng Bihua dares to beat him back?
(End of this chapter)

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