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Chapter 278 Come Help

Chapter 278 Come Help

"Hi, everyone, good evening." The man greeted several people with a smile.

"Brother, do you want to help? I'm very good." The man turned around, patted Yan Bai's shoulder and said.

"Who are you?" Yan Bai moved to the side, avoiding the man's contact.

"Me? I'm just a homeless man. When I saw two uncles bullying a beautiful boy and fighting against him, I came out to meddle in other people's business." The man didn't pay much attention to Yan Bai's resistance, and continued talking.

"No need." The other party's meddling was coldly rejected by Yan Bai.To be honest, Yan Bai was a little disgusted with this person who appeared out of nowhere.

Because of his tone, or a slightly frivolous attitude.Although it could be seen that he wanted to stand on his side, Yan Bai didn't need anyone to help him at all.

"So indifferent? It's the first time I want to meddle in my own business, and you still haven't given me a chance to show it?" Yan Bai refused, that person was a little dissatisfied.He felt that although the man in front of him could not be said to have the shape of bean sprouts, the man opposite him had overdeveloped muscles no matter how he looked.How could he be an opponent?

"I've said it, there's no need, I can solve it by myself." Yan Bai's tone still didn't change much.At this time, a person popped up suddenly and said he wanted to help himself.In fact, from Yan Bai's point of view, this is simply one more trouble.

It's just that in the face of such two little bastards, he still has to seek help from others.Wouldn't the mountains of swords and seas of fire that I have been to before be gone in vain?

"Let me help you, and I won't charge you." This beautiful young man was rather stubborn. It was rare for him to want to help someone teach a gangster a lesson, but he was rejected so thoroughly.

But his personality is that he loves to go against the law, the less he is allowed to interfere, the more he will interfere.

Yan Bai never expected that there would be such a thick-skinned person in this world.

But now that he knew that the other party was thick-skinned, Yan Bai didn't pay any more attention to him.Directly put the focus on the masked man before.

The man in the mask noticed that Yan Bai was looking at him, so he put his hands on his hips and put on an extremely fierce expression.

Yan Bai's eyes darkened, and then he said again: "Choose one, you have to confess your last words, or tell me the purpose of your follow-up." He doesn't like negotiations, but since it's about Xiao Xi'er, he was extra merciful and gave the mask man a chance.

"Little ghost, who are you scaring? Do you really think that these two words can scare me?" Damn, it's really uncomfortable. It's the first time he's been called Brother Long for so many years. .

How many people in the entire city of J dare to tell him such things as confessing his last words?This little brat, it seems that he doesn't know how powerful he is unless he shows some color.

"It seems that you are going to choose the former." Yan Bai saw the masked man walking towards him and raised his fist, he immediately understood the masked man's choice.If that's the case, he won't be polite.

"I really don't know if you have strength in yourself, or if you only speak hard words." The man on the side took two steps back at this moment, and he chose to watch the imminent battlefield.

Originally, he planned to help, but he wanted to see how strong this man with an indifferent attitude and arrogant tone was.If this man can't beat the masked man behind, maybe this man will have to come to him for help.

It should be interesting for such an indifferent man to ask for help.

(End of this chapter)

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