Chapter 279 Shield
"It's a pity that I'm a nosy person. I wanted to help you just now, but you rejected me. Now I can only help others."

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you together?" Yan Bai originally didn't want to kill the person in front of him, but if he insisted on sending him to death...he would not show mercy.

"What's the saying? To die under a peony flower is to be a ghost. Anyway, my life is not of great value to this world. It's worth dying at the hands of a beautiful boy like you. However, I have to see Do you have the strength to kill me?" The man smiled, as if he didn't take Yan Bai's words to heart.

Listening to the man's words, Yan Bai frowned slightly, it seems that this man is not a little frivolous, but very frivolous.He even compared him to a peony flower?It really aroused his killing intent.But at the same time, he also felt the difficulty of the other party.

Unless you really don't care about your own life or death at all, or you really have some strength.Otherwise, no normal person would stand in front of him and say such a thing at this moment.

As for the man in front of him, Yan Bai is more willing to believe that he is capable.But so what, when did Yan Bai put other people's strength in his eyes?
"Then give it a try." After finishing speaking, Yan Bai raised the knife in his hand and threw it directly between the man's eyebrows, like shooting a dart.

But just as Yan Bai thought, that person is really difficult to deal with.He didn't dodge his knife, but a shield-like thing suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, blocking Yan Bai's knife.

The shield blocked the knife for the man and then quickly disappeared, as if it had never appeared at all.

"The latest machinery and equipment, isn't it cool?" The man continued to smile at Yan Bai.

"Waste of time." Yan Bai turned around and was about to leave.Of course he knew what the man was using.

The bulletproof red iron shield developed by the world's largest laboratory is absolutely impenetrable to ordinary bullets.Even bombs can withstand it.Once an object with steel attribute chemical properties touches half a meter away from the shield user, the shield will automatically start defending immediately.

The usual shape of the shield is a piece of paper that can be folded in half at will, which is light and does not take up space.Wearing such a shield is basically invulnerable.If Yan Bai wanted to kill this person, he could only attack with his bare hands.

However, Yan Bai doesn't like to have close contact with people.

"Hey, don't go, I'm quite interested in you, what's your name?" Seeing Yan Bai turned to leave, the man quickly chased after him and asked.

Yan Bai completely ignored it.

"Don't stop talking, just say a few more words, your voice is clear and cold, it sounds great. By the way, my name is Xing Ze. My surname is Xing, and the single name is Ze. Don't go, tell me first Your name?"

Listening to Xingze's self-introduction, Yan Bai felt that the name sounded familiar.It seems that he has heard of it somewhere, but he is not very interested in this person, so he doesn't bother to think so much.Ignoring Xingze who was talking to himself behind, Yan Bai got into the car, stepped on the accelerator and left.

"I haven't met such an interesting person for a long time. It's a pity to let you go like this. But forget it, anyway, the future will be long." Xing Ze looked at the car going away, licked the corner of his lips, and the smile on his face It's a bit sinister, completely different from the previous one, like a different person.

(End of this chapter)

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